,Influence of Polarization-Induced Electric Field on Subband Structure in AlxGa1-xN/GaN Double Quant

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taiyangkaimen
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The influence of the polarization-induced electric field and other parameters on the subband structure in AlxGa1-xN/GaN coupled double quantum wells (DQWs)has been studied by solving the Schr(o)dmger and Poisson equations self-consistently. It is found that the polarization effect leads to an asymmetric potential profile of A1xGa1-xN/GaN DQWs although the two wells have the same width and depth.The polarization effect also leads to a very large Stark shift between the odd and the even order subband levels that can reach 0.54eV.Due to the polarization-induced Stark shift,the wavelength of the intersubband transition between the first odd order and the second even order subband levels becomes smaller,which is useful for realization of optoelectronic devices operating within the telecommunication window region.
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放学铃声响起,我赶紧催促学生出去站队。  可他们却打打闹闹,慢悠悠地整理着自己的书包,我只好耐着性子等。最后不得不拿出大拇指的奖励贴画来“诱惑”,他们才纷纷加快了脚步。不一会儿,大多数学生就走出了教室。正暗自窃喜,却发现第一排的小余依旧保持着自己的慢节奏,书还没装完呢!  我径直走到他跟前,两眼紧盯着他。对这群刚入学的小孩子,我一直坚持“可怒不可言”的原则,尽量口下留情不去发泄自己的不满。我要用“
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