
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Chinaxfhl
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PURPOSE: To analyze the importance f optical coherence tomography (OCT) to diagnose the cystoid macular edema in a case of gyrate atrophy. DESIGN: Observational case report. METHODS: A 12- year-old boy presenting with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina underwent ophthalmologic, clinical, and laboratory tests. RESULTS: Plasma ornithine levelwas 735 μ mol/l. Fluorescein angiography showed bilateral hyperfluorescence involving the central region of the macula. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) disclosed bilateral intraretinal cysts areas of low reflectivity with occasional high-signal elements bridging the retinal layers and intraretinal thickening. CONCLUSIONS:Both fluorescein angiography and OCT were helpful to confirm the diagnosis of macular involvement as a complication of gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina in a patient who presented without any clinical evidence of cystoid macular edema, except a decrease in visual acuity. METHODS: A 12-year-old boy presenting with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina underwent ophthalmologic, clinical, and laboratory tests. RESULTS: Plasma ornithine level was 735 μ mol / l. Fluorescein angiography showed bilateral hyperfluorescence involving the central region of the macula. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) -signal elements bridging the retinal layers and intraretinal thickening. CONCLUSIONS: Both fluorescein angiography and OCT were helpful to confirm the diagnosis of macular involvement as a complication of gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina in a patient who presented without any clinical evidence of cystoid macular edema, except a decrease in visual acuity.
整合型主板从它诞生的那一天开始,就给人留下了廉价与低性能的印象,人们的目光都被Pentium 4、GeForce 3、DDR吸引了过去,但是又有几个人真正在使用奔腾4+DDR呢?在人们购机
NTDCZSi 在800~100℃退火时会产生高浓度的与 CZSi 的热施主和新施主不同的一种新型施主态——中照施主.本文研究了 NTDCZSi 的退火行为和中照施主产生与消除的条件,发现中照
1 在土面撒施草木灰、泥炭等深色物质,可增强 土壤对太阳辐射的吸收能力,提高土壤温度。 2 在苗床上覆盖塑料薄膜、秸秆、草帘等易掀易盖的可移动覆盖物,无日照时加盖,有利
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评述 现在的CPU真是越来越便宜了,使用只有600元钱的750MHz Duron,怎么说呢?一个字,快!!好在内存的价格也在下调,只要380元,128MB HY PC-133的内存就搞定了。而硬盘作为家用
据《英文报刊资料》 (1987年1月10日)报道,皮克曼工业公司仪表制造分部(Process Instruments Division of Beckman Industrial Corporation)采用了一种多用途的868型红外分