The patient, 49 years old, had multiple masses in the lower abdomen with pain for one month. Check: Body temperature 37.3°C, pulse 84, blood pressure 110/70mmHg. Normal heart and lung. There were 5×4 and 3×2 cm hard blocks under the abdomen wall 3 cm below the umbilicus. The right lower abdomen can touch 6 × 4 and 5 × 3cm lump, border clear, inactive, no tenderness. The exploratory laparotomy was performed on April 2, 1981; see subcutaneous tissue of the lower abdominal wall with 5×4 and 3×2 cm solid tumors, lobulated, with intact capsules. There are as large as the baby’s head in the abdomen, as small as a soy-like tumor, occupy most of the pelvic cavity, showing pleomorphism, a substantial and cystic nature, complete capsule, pedicle connected with the peritoneum. More than 50 tumors were removed. Pathological diagnosis: Schwannoma. Two years after surgery, in August 1983, it was removed due to laparotomy.