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有的同学在练吹笛子时,缺乏严格要求,因而随着技术的提高毛病也添了不少。有些毛病直接影响着学习的进步,有损于笛子的艺术表现,应予以及时纠正.不然时间越长,坏习惯、毛病根深蒂固,再改就难了。笔者根据自己吹笛子的经验教训,以及教学时从学生身上发现的问题,对吹笛易出的毛病和纠正方法略谈一二,以供大家借鉴。 Some students practice flute, the lack of strict requirements, so as the technical problems also added a lot of problems. Some problems directly affect the progress of learning, detrimental to the artistic expression of the flute and should be promptly corrected, otherwise the longer the time will be, the bad habit and the problems will be deeply rooted and the reform will be difficult. According to my own experience of playing the flute, as well as teaching problems found in the students, the flute easy to go out and correct a brief talk about one or two, for your reference.
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As the saying goes, “The history of an old large river is the history of is,such a good example. As one of the birthplaces of China’s ancient culture.generat
随着电视连续剧《太平天国》的播出 ,这曲题为《浩浩乾坤》的主题歌也响彻了云天 ,为人们所传唱。听多了歌坛上的柔靡之音 ,《浩浩乾坤》这样的阳刚之曲才显得撼人心魄 :朴实
本刊上期所刊薛明同志的文章中提到的钟琴,是一种什么样的乐器呢? 钟琴,又名钢板琴。老式的一种是由许多吊挂起来的小铃钟组成的;今式通用的是由长短不一的金属片, What ki
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编辑同志: 我的孩子已经四岁多了,我想让他学习弹钢琴,不知从什么时候开始好,在孩子学琴过程中,我可以做些什么? 济南李平李平同志: 儿童学会弹钢琴对于促进智力全面发展、
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