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这一期,本刊发表的《新华社河南分社新记者座谈纪要》值得一读。这个材料向我们提出了应当怎样培养新记者的问题。最近两年来,我们的新闻队伍增加了一批新同志,这些新同志都是解放后在毛泽东思想哺育下长大的。大多数人出身好,政治觉悟高,朝气勃勃,干劲很大,是一支新生力量,是党的新闻事业未来的接班人。对于他们的成长,我们负有重要的责任。怎样帮助新记者迅速成长?一种是由老记者带;一种是让新记者自己到实际中去闯。带和闯,哪种办法是基本的?闯。为什么说闯是基本的?闯就是实践,就是让新记者到革命斗争的实际中去经风雨,受锻炼。年轻人在实际斗争中,受几次挫折,跌几个跤子,不要紧,这样才能使他们锻炼得更坚强。人只有通过自己的实践,在斗争中吃过苦头也吃过甜头,才能直接得出种种经验、种种教训,迅速地成长起来。倘若我们对新记者不放手,长期地让老记者带着走,扶着走,搀着走,不但抵销了采访力量,更重要的是造成了新记者的依赖心理,使他们不能迅速地学会自己走路,独立地担当一个方面的工作。但这并不是说,新记者根本不需要老记者的帮助,不是的。老记者应该帮助新记者,帮什么?要帮思想,传经验,带作风,大胆放手地让他们工作,使他们在实际斗争中受到锻炼。同时新记者也应该虚心地向老记者学习。这样,可以在闯的过程中:少走或不走弯路。新记者也要定期地把自己在实际斗争中闯的结果,加以总结,得出经验和教训,提高工作能力,提高认识水平。不断地闯,不断地帮,不断地学,不断地总结,是记者成长的一条正确道路。 This issue, published in this magazine, “Xinhua News Agency, Henan Branch of the new journal discussion summary” is worth reading. This material raised the question of how we should cultivate new journalists. In the past two years, a number of new comrades have been added to our news team. All these new comrades grew up under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought after the liberation. Most people are good at origin, highly political, energetic and energetic. They are a new force and a successor to the party’s journalistic future. We have an important responsibility for their growth. How to help the new journalist grow rapidly? One is brought by the old reporter; the other is to let the new reporter go to the reality by himself. With the break, what kind of approach is basic? Why is Chuang basic? Chuang is a practice that allows new journalists to go to the revolutionary struggle in the actual situation, subject to exercise. Young people in the actual struggle, suffered several setbacks, a few wrestling, it does not matter, so as to enable them to exercise more strongly. Only through its own practice, people have eaten in such struggles and struggles in the struggle, can we draw forth all kinds of experiences and lessons and rapidly grow up. If we let go of new reporters and take the old journalists for a long period of time, holding them away and holding them away will not only offset the strength of the interview, but more importantly, create a reliance on the new journalists so that they can not quickly learn Walk on our own, and do one thing independently. This does not mean, however, that the new journalist does not need the help of an old journalist at all, no. The old reporters should help new journalists and help them. They should help their minds, convey their experiences, take their own style and boldly let them go to work so that they will be tempered in actual combat. At the same time, new reporters should also humbly learn from old journalists. In this way, you can break in the process: less or no detours. The new journalists should also regularly summarize the results they have been breaking through in actual struggles, draw lessons from them, improve their ability to work and raise their level of understanding. Constantly break, continue to help, continue to learn, continue to summarize, is a correct way for journalists to grow.
目的 研究华裔中年女性每日维生素B12(vitamin B12,VB12)摄入量与焦虑症的关系.方法 本研究数据来自美国妇女健康研究(Study of Womens Health Across the Nation,SWAN).焦虑