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为了分析高效施肥特征并提高西瓜的产量和品质,调查了江苏省西瓜主产区东台、大丰、泗洪、邳州、东海5个县市的施肥情况.结果表明:江苏省西瓜平均产量为48325kg·hm~(-2),最高产量为97500 kg·hm~(-2);秸秆还田14~15 t·hm~(-2)可提高西瓜产量;有机肥施用量在30 t·hm~(-2)以下时,西瓜产量随着有机肥施用量的提高而提高,有机肥施用量大于30t·hm~(-2)时西瓜产量有降低趋势.有机肥高产高效和高产低效的农户分别占总调查农户的16.5%和29.1%;氮肥总施用量高产高效和高产低效农户分别占总调查数的14.9%和26.3%;化学氮肥施用高产高效和高产低效的农户分别占总调查数的19.6%和22.4%;磷肥总施用量高产高效和高产低效的农户分别占总调查数的20.9%和21.8%;化学磷肥施用量高产高效和高产低效农户分别占总调查数的13.7%和29.5%;钾肥总施用量高产高效和高产低效农户分别占总调查数的14.9%和26.3%;化学钾肥施用量高产高效农户和高产低效农户分别占总调查数的29.6%和12.2%.与单施基肥相比,基肥和追肥分施可提高西瓜产量.此外,施用叶面肥也可提高西瓜产量.建议高产低效和低产低效农户减量施肥,提高肥料施用效率;低产高效农户调整肥料施用结构和施用时期,提高肥料利用效率. In order to analyze the characteristics of efficient fertilization and improve the yield and quality of watermelon, the fertilization situation in 5 counties and cities of Dongtai, Dafeng, Sihong, Danzhou and East China Sea in main watermelon area of ​​Jiangsu Province was investigated.The results showed that the average yield of watermelon in Jiangsu Province was 48325kg · Hm -2, the highest yield was 97500 kg · hm -2, and straw returning to field was 14-15 t · hm -2, which could increase the yield of watermelon. The application rate of organic fertilizer was 30 t · hm ~ (-2), the yield of watermelon increased with the application of organic manure, and the yield of watermelon tended to decrease when the application rate of organic manure was more than 30 t · hm -2 .The farmer households with high yield and high yield of organic fertilizer Accounting for 16.5% and 29.1% of the total surveyed households respectively. The total amount of high-yield and high-efficiency nitrogenous fertilizer and low-yielding high-yielding farmers accounted for 14.9% and 26.3% of the total number of surveyed households respectively. The total amount of chemical nitrogenous fertilizer 19.6% and 22.4% of the total respectively. The total amount of high-yielding and high-yielding and low-yielding P fertilizer accounted for 20.9% and 21.8% of the total survey respectively. The proportion of high-yield and low- % And 29.5% respectively. The total amount of potash fertilizer with high yield and high efficiency, 14.9% and 26.3%, respectively. The chemical fertilizer with high yield and high efficiency and high yield and low efficiency farmers accounted for 29.6% and 12.2% of the total survey respectively.Compared with the single application of basal fertilizer, basal fertilizer and top dressing could improve the yield of watermelon.In addition, Foliar fertilizer can also increase the yield of watermelon.It is suggested that the high-yielding and low-yielding and low-yielding and inefficient peasant households should reduce the fertilization and improve the efficiency of fertilizer application, and the low-yield and high-efficiency peasant adjust the fertilizer application structure and application period to improve the fertilizer utilization efficiency.
对高校旅游管理专业学生选择工作岗位的情况进行调查,目的在于了解学生的就业意向的现状及特点,为旅游管理专业学生进行正确的职业决策提出一些建议。 This paper investiga
硅在室温下具有3578 mAh g-1的理论比容量(形成Li15Si4)和合适的工作电压(~0.4 V),是最有希望取代传统石墨电极的负极材料。然而,在脱嵌锂过程中,硅材料巨大的体积膨胀导致电极粉碎,而低的电导率(10-5-10-3 S cm-1)和Li+扩散速率(10-14-10-13 cm2 s-1)导致差的电荷传输能力,因此硅材料的循环和倍率性能较差。纳米多孔框架材料能够有效缓解硅巨大的体积