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针对我国目前中职学校心理健康教育的实际情况,提出应重视兼职心理教师的培养,并且结合实际情况提出中职学校专兼职心理教师的具体培养措施,指出中职学校应该重视心理教育的全员培养,营造自由、安全的心理氛围。 According to the actual situation of mental health education in secondary vocational schools in our country, we put forward that we should attach importance to the training of part-time psychological teachers, and put forward the specific training measures of part-time psychological teachers in secondary vocational schools according to the actual situations. It points out that secondary vocational schools should attach importance to the full-scale psychological education Cultivate and create a free and safe psychological atmosphere.
目的 分析血液内部成分对成人全血细胞介电谱特性的影响.方法 在0.01-110MHz频率范围,利用4294A阻抗分析仪测量了50个正常健康人血液样本的交流阻抗,通过介电谱、Cole-Cole图
Kinematics in Finsler space is used to study the propagation of ultra high energy cosmic rays particles through the cosmic microwave background radiation. We fi
X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the investigation of the local environment around selected atoms in condensed ma
目的 研究苎麻叶中总酚酸提取工艺.方法 设计不同的工艺路线,在单因素实验基础上采用正交设计优化,采用改进的Folin-Ciocalteu 比色法测定总酚酸含量,检测波长为755 nm.结果
Making use of the maximum entropy method, we study the most probable source function in heavy ion collisions. An anisotropic Gaussian source is deduced by simpl
Λ(1405) is considered as a superposition of two resonances instead of a simple bound state of the kaon and proton. Within the framework of the Brueckner-Hartre