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本文着重探讨文学翻译的两种策略——异化和归化,笔者提出“先异化,再归化”这一思想,并列出异化的三个特点。异化翻译的主要目的是尽可能忠实地再现外国文学的原汁原味,包括外国文化特点、外文形式特征和原文作者的个人写作技巧等。建议当异化翻译词不达意时,可以借助于归化翻译来补充和完善。 This article focuses on two strategies of literary translation - alienation and naturalization. The author proposes the idea of ​​“alienation and naturalization first” and lists the three characteristics of alienation. The main purpose of alienated translation is to faithfully reproduce the authenticity of foreign literature, including foreign cultural features, foreign language features and the author’s personal writing skills. It is suggested that when the alienated translation words are not satisfactory, they can be supplemented and perfected by naturalization translation.
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