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这次中央经济工作会议以邓小平理论和党的十五大精神为指导,全面总结了1998年的经济工作,深刻分析了当前国际国内形势,明确提出了1999年经济工作的总体要求,对改革和建设的一系列重大问题作出了部署。这是在我国改革开放和经济建设处于关键时刻召开的一次重要会议,对于全面推进社会主义现代化建设具有重要意义。当前,要把传达贯彻中央经济工作会议精神紧紧抓在手上。要认真学习党中央、国务院领导同志的重要讲话,领会其精神实质,进一步明确明年经济工作的总体要求、奋斗目标、政策措施和主要任务。传达贯彻中央经济工作会议精神一 Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the 15th CPC National Congress, the Central Economic Work Conference comprehensively summarized the economic work in 1998, profoundly analyzed the current international and domestic situations, clearly set forth the general requirements for economic work in 1999, The construction of a series of major issues have been deployed. This is an important meeting held in the crucial moment of China’s reform and opening up and economic construction and is of great significance to the comprehensive promotion of socialist modernization. At present, we must firmly grasp the spirit of transmitting and implementing the Central Economic Work Conference. We must conscientiously study the important speeches made by the leading comrades of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, understand their spiritual essence, and further clarify the overall requirements, objectives, policies and measures and major tasks of economic work next year. Communicate and implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
在路基工程建设中,路基病害防治工作也会是必须要进行的。本文针对路基工程施工中针对路基的整体质量的控制工作进行思考,提高路基的施工质量。 In the subgrade constructi
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多哥:男女双方感情破裂便到当地部门申请,并各自请管理人员将头发剃去一半,将剃下来的头发互相交换。 Togo: Both men and women break into the local department to apply