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奈良、平安前期,日本在东亚复杂的政治环境中经营着与新罗、渤海的外交关系。外交场合上,由于语言相异,除正式的汉文文书以外,汉诗也是重要的信息交流媒介。8世纪初,日本官吏在接待新罗使时使用的汉诗形式为分韵诗,而9世纪后叶与渤海使酬答时则采用次韵诗的形式。针对这一现象,可从当时中国汉诗文学的特征和日本外交史出发来探究其原因。分韵诗诞生于中国六朝宫廷文学,于初唐宫廷再次流行,其创作行为具有政治等级色彩。而8世纪初叶正是日本“小帝国”意识增强的时期,分韵诗的创作可谓体现了日本对新罗的宗主国意识。另外,次韵诗由中唐白居易文学集团兴起,以切磋诗技、增进友情为目的,诗人间的关系较为平等。日本与渤海自8世纪后半期起建立了主要以和平通商为目的的外交关系,使用次韵诗与渤海使唱和深受这一政治背景的影响。此外,日本政府采用当时中国流行的诗歌形式,其目的还在于彰显本国文化的发达程度。 Nara, Early in Peace, Japan operates diplomatic relations with Silla and Bohai in the complex political environment of East Asia. On diplomatic occasions, due to the different languages, in addition to formal Chinese documents, Chinese poetry is also an important medium of information exchange. At the beginning of the 8th century, Chinese officials used the Chinese poems in the reception of Silla as their rhyme poems, while those of the latter part of the 9th century and the Bohai Sea used sub-rhyme poems. In response to this phenomenon, from the characteristics of Chinese poetry and literature at that time and the history of Japan’s diplomacy to explore its causes. Rhyming poems were born in the court literature of the Six Dynasties in China. They were popular again in the court of early Tang Dynasty, and their writing style was of political grade. The beginning of the eighth century was the period when the consciousness of Japan’s “Little Empire” was enhanced. The creation of the verse poems reflected Japan’s sovereign awareness of Sovereign. In addition, the prosperous poems rise from the Bai Juyi Group in the Middle Tang Dynasty. With the purpose of studying poetry skills and promoting friendship, the relationship between poets is more equal. Since the latter half of the eighth century, Japan and the Bohai Sea have established diplomatic relations mainly for the purpose of peace and commerce. They use the poetic poems and the Bohai Sea to sing and be deeply influenced by this political backdrop. In addition, the Japanese government adopted the popular Chinese form of poetry at the time, and its purpose was to highlight the development of its own culture.
原发性肝癌是全球最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率和致死率分别居所有恶性肿瘤的第六位和第二位,严重威胁人类健康。肝细胞肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是原发性肝癌中