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陈独秀是中共党史和中国现代史上的著名人物,对于他的生平事迹,诸多评论,褒贬不一。本文拟就他在“五四”前后、建党初期以及后来的表现几个问题,根据现有历史资料,试作探讨,略作述评。一、“五四”前后的卓越贡献不容抹煞陈独秀,原名庆同,字仲甫,号实庵,1879年10月9日生于安徽省怀宁县(今安庆市)绿水乡。父亲早逝,母亲操持家务,祖父以教书为业。陈独秀自幼聪颖,性格倔强而自视甚高,从小就由他的祖父管束,后由他大哥亲自教授。1896年,17岁的陈独秀竟以 Chen Duxiu is a famous figure in the history of the Chinese Communist Party and in the modern history of China. Many comments have been mixed on his life story. This article intends to make some comments on his performance before and after the May 4th Movement, the early days of the founding of the Party and later, according to the existing historical data. First, the remarkable contribution made before and after the May 4th Incident Chen Duxiu, formerly known as Qing Tong, Zi Zhong Fu and No. Shi Um, was born on October 9, 1879 in Lushui Township, Huaining County, Anhui Province (now Anqing City). His father died young, his mother ran housework, grandfather to teach for the job. Chen Duxiu childhood smart, stubborn and self-evident, from an early age by his grandfather, after his brother personally taught. In 1896, 17-year-old Chen Duxiu actually
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