
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastfoot01
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从当时的书刊来看,九一八事变后,中国的海权建设观逐渐成熟,许多有识之士从世界历史发展的必然趋势、中国特殊的地缘政治经济形势、战后中国大国地位的维持与巩固、海权具有的重要价值等方面认识中国建设海权的必要性;并主张从思想观念,舰队、商船、军港等物质层面,海权组织,海军人才队伍等方面展开海权建设;目标是将中国建成一个既能确保国家安全、承担相应国际责任又能以攻为守的积极防御型的强大海权国家。中国知识界在民族危亡、抗战建国等特殊时代下构建的海权建设观,在丰富中国近代军事思想的同时,也为当前中国海权建设与发展提供了有益启示。 From the then books and periodicals, after the Sept.18 Incident, China’s concept of building a sea power has gradually matured. Many people of insight from the inevitable trend of world history, the special geo-political and economic situation in China and the postwar maintenance of China’s power status And consolidation, the important value of sea power and so on to recognize the necessity of building China’s maritime power. He also advocated the development of sea power from the aspects of ideology, fleet, merchant ships, naval and naval forces, sea power organizations and the navy personnel team. The goal It is a strong defensive-type powerful sea power that has built China into a country that can both ensure national security, assume corresponding international responsibilities, and be able to attack and defend. The concept of sea power construction built by the Chinese intelligentsia in the special times such as national crisis and the founding of the People’s Republic of China during the War of Resistance against Japan built the concept of sea power enrichment while enriching the military thinking in modern China and also provided useful inspiration for the current construction and development of sea power in China.
当众多的少男少女大哥大姐大叔大妈结束了他们在动漫界的使命后,接下来会流浪到哪个地域开始新的人生呢?以下均是猜想,如有雷同,绝对巧合。 When many boys, girls, and eld
兰走近我,满身爬满了大只的蛾子,“什么蛾子?倩,不要放在心上。”兰抬起手,想试试我是不是在发烧,灰色的蛾子停在她的指尖,轻轻地扇动着翅膀。 Lan approached me, covered