兴教育人 再造辉煌 ——武汉钢铁(集团)公司副经理李运茂访谈录

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武汉钢铁公司是全国职工教育先进单位,也是百家教育综合改革试点之一。他们以改革为动力,以岗位培训和继续教育为重点,紧扣双考定级的主题,积极推进职工教育的深入发展,取得了令人瞩目的好成绩。社会主义市场经济体制的建立,企业职工教育的改革步伐应当如何加快?本刊记者带着这个问题,采访了武钢副经理李运茂同志。“武钢历届领导班子都非常关心和重视职工教 Wuhan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. is an advanced unit for employee education in the country and is also one of the pilots of comprehensive education reform for 100 schools. They took reform as the driving force, focused on on-the-job training and continuing education, closely followed the theme of double-testing, and actively promoted the in-depth development of employee education, achieving remarkable results. With the establishment of the socialist market economic system, how should the pace of reform in the education of enterprise employees be accelerated? This reporter interviewed Comrade Li Yunmao, Deputy Manager of WISCO, with this question. "The previous leadership of Wuhan Iron & Steel Group is very concerned about and attaches importance to the teaching of staff.
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