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初夏。清晨六点。我在晋中市所辖的一座明清古城街道上,仰望穿过薄雾的阳光笼罩下的鼓楼。这座始建于明代万历年间的鼓楼在这里已伫立了三百多年,俯瞰周边沧桑变迁,安静得像一场梦。此时一辆洒水车穿过鼓楼基座十字交叉的砖券门洞,自西向东播着音乐疾速迎面驶来,路旁我们几个行人赶紧躲到比路面高六十公分的檐廊台阶上。檐廊不宽,仅六七十公分,或许借鉴自南方骑楼,透露出本属商业铺面,整条街如是蜿蜒不尽,印证昔日极尽繁华。洒水车呼啸驶去,原本覆盖着一层灰土的方砖路面透明起来,那一层薄薄的水把鼓楼和蓝天清澈又绚烂地倒影在其中。鼓楼一角的早点摊上已炸好一溜金灿灿诱人的油条。老城的一天,原是这样睁开了惺忪的睡眼。我们将尝试在这座老城里对一个衰朽过半的院子提出改造方案。这一次设计大概比以往都将更加小心翼翼,因为在老城里行走时,每一个院子的过往和生活都让我生出好奇与敬意。对 Early summer. Six in the morning. I am in Jinzhong City, under the jurisdiction of an ancient city of Ming and Qing streets, looking through the misty sun shrouded under the Drum Tower. The Drum Tower, built in the Wanli years of the Ming Dynasty, has stood here for over three hundred years and overlooks the vicissitudes of life around the city. Quietness is like a dream. At this point a sprinkler through the Drum Tower base cross the brick ticket hole, sowing from west to east quickly head to head on the roadside, several of our pedestrians hurried to hide than the pavement 60 centimeters high corridor steps . Corridor is not wide corridor, only sixty-seventy centimeters, perhaps borrowed from the southern arcades, revealing the commercial pavement, the entire street is winding, confirming the past downtown. The sprinkler roared past, originally covered with a layer of limestone brick pavement transparent, that a thin layer of water to the Drum Tower and the blue sky is crystal clear and gorgeous reflection in them. The Drum Tower corner of the early stall has been fried golden shiny attractive fritters. One day in the Old City, it was like this opened a bleary sleepy eyes. We will try to propose a transformation plan for a decayed yard in this old town. This time around, design will probably be more cautious than ever before, as the past and life of every yard in the Old Town make me curious and respectful. Correct
命题 △ABC中,∠A、∠B、∠C所对边分别是a、b、c,求证  sinA-sinBbc+sinB-sinCca+sinC-sinAab ≥0.(1)(《数学通报》1997年5月号问题1072)文[1]对上述命题给出了一种简捷证法.通过对(1)式证法的研? In the proposition △ABC, the sides of ∠