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上海“毒校服”事件人尽皆知,造成了人们对于学生校服质量的恐慌。事件发生后,我国中小学生校服质量状况受到政府及相关部门的高度重视,而作为校服生产流通重要环节的生产企业,其生产现状更是校服质量过关的保障。本文通过对校服生产企业的生产现状调查,了解学生、家长及社会对校服的满意度,总结出应对措施,给今后政府、企业等在校服生产方面提供建议。 Shanghai “poison uniforms” incident is well known, resulting in people’s school uniform quality of students panic. After the incident, the quality of school uniforms in primary and secondary schools in China by the government and relevant departments attach great importance, and as an important part of school uniform production and circulation of production enterprises, the production status quo is the guarantee of uniforms quality. Based on the investigation of the production status of uniforms, this article learned about the satisfaction of students, parents and society with uniforms, summed up the countermeasures and provided suggestions to the government and enterprises in the production of uniforms in the future.
Considering results obtained in magnetic levitation and suspension of the symmetrical bodies are designed and developed several experiments of the electromagnet
应用高分辨率层序地层学理论,通过对各级基准面旋回的沉积动力学分析,依据10口井岩心和1 256口井测井资料,把松辽盆地三肇凹陷葡萄花油层划分为1个长期基准面旋回、2个中期基准
In this paper, we have presented the numerical investigation of the geometric phase and field entropy squeezing for a two-level system interacting with coherent
【正】 因为村务不公开,海南省海口市西秀镇博养村村民普遍对现任和原任村干部存在不满情绪。据博养村村民反映,现任村干部在一些事关群众利益的大事上,不听取村民意见,村务
The equation of motion of an object moving in a frictionless horizontal rotating frame is somewhat comparable to the one describing the motion of a point-like c
An active device using electromagnetic forces was constructed and examined for the purpose of minimizing the resonance in air mounts of clean rooms. The air mou
When an electromagnetic signal transmits through a coaxial cable, it propagates at speed determined by the dielectrics of insulator between the cooper core wire