Everything Computes

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Dear American Professor, I am a student in Beijing. At the beginning of last semester, we fourroommates gathered some 10,000 yuan (a big sum here. approximately 1150USD ) and bought a computer, which is our joint-property. Since the computercame into our room, it was used round the clock except the time we were havingc1asses. So even at midnight, when I woke up from the dream, I could still see Dear American Professor, I am a student in Beijing. At the beginning of last semester, we fourroommates aggregate some 10,000 yuan (a big sum here. approximately 1150USD ) and bought a computer, which is our joint-property. Since the computercame into our Room, it was used round the clock except the time we were having a 1asses. So even at midnight, when I woke up from the dream, I could still see
超市如何经营?商家们可能各有妙计,在这里,笔者提供几个“点”子供投资超市的商家参考!    超市里猜谜语    每年的寒暑假期是众多商家青睐的黄金季节。许多精明的商家纷纷把销售策略瞄准了广大孩子并开展了一系列的营销活动。诸如买多少钱的物品送一个孩子喜欢的玩具,学习用具等等。但由于这一招数近年来许为许多商家采用,在孩子心目中已没有什么新的吸引力。为此,我建议,不妨用这一招试试:用谜语吸引孩子和成年人
去年,日本曾发生了一系列的食物中毒事件,松下电器公司决心todivert resources from developing new audio and video gadgets to studies on howto make food safer,结果获
河北保定河北大学郭杉提出如下两个问题:问一:有这样两个句子:(1)The teacher urges his students to keep working attheir pronunciation until they’ve improved it.(2)
在第12期即将发稿之际我们收到了本篇来稿,本篇和上篇可谓“姊妹篇”,相辅相成。此次不幸所造成的死亡人数已达到12人!事故发生的原因也已基本查明。 We have received this
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A tourist got separated from his tour group in the Sahara. He begged apassing nomad (游牧部落的人) for water.“ Sorry,” said the tribesman (部落男子), “I hav
One of my greatest pleasurcs while I lived in China last year was myinteraction with other teachers. My colleagues at Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityand my gradu