
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnviy
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  Education is the development process of social culture, which forms the necessary scheme of individual’s social activity, provides the prerequisites for physical and mental development of human beings, and guarantees the inheritance of social cultural experiences from generation to generation. It has the function of pertinence and programmatic.
  First of all, the formation of individual moral characters of youth and children is worth our attention. The growing of the young generation should not be influenced by violence, evil and brutality, and should abide by kindness, the respect for elderlies and parents, the understanding of the value of life, and being responsible for their own behaviors. Especially in the modern society, this kind of education becomes even more important and necessary and only with education, can the moral retrogress of youth be stopped.
  According to the theories of Ivan · Pavlov · Petrovich, education is a process of exerting influence and inheriting the nation’s history and culture. In other words, education is a factor that influences living bodies (like human beings and animals), and it can guarantee the survival and improve the smooth development of the race group. For human beings only, education can be defined as follows: education is the formation process of character, which aims to teach human beings how to face cultural lives and producing activities in society.
  The force of adult models
  It is generally believed that education process is completed by parents, kindergartens, universities/colleges, middle schools and primary schools. In fact, education is every individual’s responsibility. Society has influence on the formation of personal characters, including the internet, TV programs, and some rumors disseminated on the public media.
  Through analyzing the education process, it is discernible that there are problems of nurturing and education existing in modern society. Education analysis tends to use the modern cultural level to analyze the economic, political, social, scientific, and other indexes in the past, because today’s society is the result of the past education. The education of natural science and social science is not as influential as the education of youth (the growing generation). The education for youth can form human beings’ social desires, and those desires are the basic foundation for further actions. It means we may force one person to do something beneficial to society, but this may not work; or we may instil the right thoughts into the person and enable him/her to have the desire to make the right choice. All that we should do is to cultivate children’s desires, and they will finish the rest of it.   Right cultivation and education also create the right society, which is fair and without wars and violence. However, the key problem in cultivation and education is that our society doesn’t know how to educate children. Education is a continuous process in which children perceive the outside world. Children are the reflection of reality and they treat the surrounding world as examples. Our society is far from an ideal society and children grow up in this kind of circumstances. If we want to educate children properly, we should know how to behave properly in public. Modeling is the most important education principle. Children’s behaviors will be exactly like the others’ in society.
  How do we know whether we have educated our children in the right way and established the right models for them? What kind of society do we need to build? Where do we find the right reference books for the correct description of an ideal society? We need to acquire the essences of matters, reveal the meanings of life and figure out the development direction of human beings according to the natural values.
  It seems very simple in theory. We adults just need prove the basic mistakes of society: human beings live in their own selfish desires (fortune, power, honor, knowledge), we separate the world and try to maintain the benefits for ourselves to the most extent. The interpersonal relationships are also established on the basis of private desires. Society that is established based on private desires can only achieve quantitative development before globalization. At present, it is said that if you know five people, you may know all of the people in the world. The relationships between people are getting closer, which means individualism can bring some negative influence on the world. In every corner of the world, we can see the chain reaction brought by the so called “Butterfly Effect”. A tiny issue may influence the entire mankind. We can see it through economic crisis. A small economic turbulence in a small bank can trigger the collapse of the entire banking system, and human beings thusly come across a problem that influences the whole world.   In order to transfer individualism into altruism, we need to reveal the essence of nature and learn to establish the right interpersonal relationships. Our planet is like a small village in which people are closely connected. This theory of nature is known as the “Unified Theorem”. The understanding of and the education mode based on this theorem will help to establish a right society. Only by doing this can we avoid self-destruction. It may be hard to practice, but it is an undisputable fact. The function of mankind in society and the function of society in human development should also be researched and investigated, which allows us to educate children in a better way.
  Unfortunately, most of people are not very clear about the foundation of juvenile education, family education, youth education and sex education. In fact, the crucial problem of cultivation and education is the ignorance of adults. Adults must act as models for children and provide education. They cannot behave like beasts, just caring about their own comfortable life (food, sex, reputation, fortune, power, etc.)
  In the modern society, humans must change the education program completely. They need to be models for children, because the behaviors of human beings can influence the whole society. We also need to understand if we don't do this rightly, we will make others and ourselves suffer. Looking at the events happening in the world, we can see everybody tries to satisfy their own desires regardless of the outcomes. We disastrously exploit natural resources, pollute the environment, and poison ourselves by eating harmful and trans-genic food. Our society only focuses on individual's personal interests and human beings fight for their own benefits every day. We are completely far from reality, forget the rate and rationalization of exploiting resources, and neglect faith and truth. What the medical department care about is profits instead of human health; merchants take the advantage of human's psychology to sell their products and provide poor-quality products on purpose so that we can often buy new ones. We have forgotten to use the resources in a more rational way. Consequently, the “generator set” of mankind always works for consumption. Adults don’t have time to educate their own children and always buy something that they don’t actually need. We exploit rashly the resources, but some of the resources cannot be recovered. The rare resources have fatal influence on our society. The scarcity of resources also triggers the desire of conquering and leads to wars. At present, we only realize some resources are rare and don’t have strong feelings for that. But when we are in the face of water and air shortage, wars will destroy some people. It is a bleak outlook of human beings.   The formation of civil society requires relatively high cultural and legal level. However, it is a pity that the youth nowadays apparently lack legal knowledge and legal education, which means the reinforcement of the awareness of law is one of the important issues of youth education.
  Learn to respect
  As the social differentiation is intensifying, it is important for youths to establish rightful self-evaluation. Self-respect requires the education of respecting others.
  We also need to pay attention to the education of respecting other national cultures. The modern youth must bear in mind such an idea: The diversification of national cultures is a fortune that needs to be treasured and protected. Youths should respect their national cultures and foreign cultures. National cultures are also working directions for higher education.
  The experience of youth education shows that in every stages of education, labor education also faces sharp problems. In the modern society, there is a lack of attention to the labor education. Laboring has its significant value and we haven’t explained its important role in our life to the youth. The young generation doesn’t have access to learning how to respect labor, building a hard-working attitude, and self-discipline in team working.
  The culture of labor should be instilled to young people. Labor education should be a fundamental component of professional training in colleges and universities, and the culture of education is an elementary factor of labor education. However, the reality is that people are selling assignments answers and graduation papers to college students. When their reading materials and text books are replaced by copied papers, studying will lose its meaning. It’s undoubted that internet technology has changed society, and we should not remain stagnant, using yesterday’s textbooks and under-developed teaching materials. However, we cannot abandon the culture of education. The evaluation of education quality should not lack the parameter of labor education, and establish a culture of education is also a foundation for nurturing professional talents.   青年工作的经验证明,在教育的各个阶段,劳动教育也面临着尖锐的问题。当代社会对青年劳动教育缺乏关注,我们没有把劳动作为一种价值观及其在人类生活中的真正意义解释给青少年,并使年轻一代形成对劳动必须的尊重,养成勤恳的工作态度以及劳动中的组织性与自我约束。
  Another important task in youth education is to cultivate their behavioral culture and living culture.
  People need to communicate with others to express their feelings and emotions, and people need to realize themselves in different forms. Eventually, we can evaluate their cultures and cultivations.
  Unfortunately, there is an apparent lack of behavioral education in school educations in the modern society. Youths are not good at controlling their emotions, unaware of the resentments caused by their behaviors, and unclear about the basic social protocols.
  The languages used by youths are also worth our attention. Youths tend to use their special slangs in their social groups, but the current slangs are usually mixed with taboos and swear words. American idioms and slangs are used ignorantly, which makes people hardly know what they mean.
  The vocabulary of youths is increasingly poor, and they cannot handle the complicated Russian language. It is also because the amount of reading done by youths has dramatically decreased, especially those masterpieces of literature, and the reading culture of youth is gradually disappearing.
  Non-heroic education modeling is also a distressing problem. Youths in the past needed the idols at that time as models. However, most of the heroes in the past have been forgotten or lost their reputations. The so called “stars” and their scandals are all over TV screens, internet, and magazines. Some of youths (fans) imitate their idols, and some of them understand “stars” are not standards but they cannot find proper examples to learn from. In addition, characters depicted in modern literatures and movies are rarely treated as models by the youth.
  非英雄化教育是令人痛心的问题,青少年时代,究竟需要哪个时代的楷模?大部分以往的英雄人物或者被遗忘,或者已丧失声望。电视的屏幕上、网络上、报刊杂志上闪烁着所谓的“明星们”,他们的丑闻铺天盖地地渗透到我们的生活中,一部分青年(粉丝)模仿他们的偶像,另一批青年懂得“明星”并非标杆,但又找不到值得学习的对象。而现代文学与电影也很少有能够成为青年楷模的主人公。   The way out for youth educators
  Where should youth educators seek a way out? Actually in our life, among those ordinary people, including in schools, there are many people worth learning from for the young people. They need us to discover, get to know and tell their life experience to the youth.
  Guiding youths to live a healthy life is also an important task in youth education. The relevant materials show what the youth do not known very well about their bodies and the healthy lifestyles. They often fail to develop a habit of cherishing and maintaining their health.
  Drinking, smoking and drugs have become a real dangerous tumor for youths and the health of the next generation.
  Cutting this tumor requires the support of national policies and participations of all walks of life. We need some effective outcomes. This project must be carried out rather than doing a vanity project.
  Youth education cannot neglect the importance of ecological education. People need to face directly the role of human being played in ecological problems, especially the human activities that damage ecological balance and cause ecological crises. People need to accept ecological education since their childhood, including the education on the moral level. It is necessary for educators to find some feasible new ways under such circumstances to know about the state of mind of youth.
  There is a lot of endeavor await us in the course of human education. We are still ignorant and at an under-developed stage, because we only care about out small groups and our own benefits. We need moral and spiritual education that makes us civilized instead of being ignorant. To reveal the real meaning of life, we should start from self-education.
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