Radiation Protection Report of the First Hot Test at China Reprocessing and Radiochemistry Laborator

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niehaibin
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The first hot test has been completed at China Reprocessing and Radiochemistry Laboratory in September to December 2015.In order to ensure the safety of personal,facility and environment,security group wrote safety management regulation,drew up the specialized radiation monitoring plan and organized emergency exercise. The first hot test has been completed at China Reprocessing and Radiochemistry Laboratory in September to December 2015. In order to ensure the safety of personal, facility and environment, security group wrote safety management regulation, drew up the specialized radiation monitoring plan and organized emergency exercise .
This project was officially approved in 2011.2015was the 4~(th) running year that to treat the radioactive liquid waste in the temporary storage.According to th
加速器中粒子从真空系统通过引出窗进入加速器外部空间。3 MeV质子加速器使用Kapton膜作引出窗口。采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算了3 MeV质子在不同厚度Kapton膜内的能量损失,并
The 01B-08Bhot cells and 54Bfeed glove box of China Reprocessing and Radiochemistry Laboratory(CARAL)are connected with hot cell line transporter.It ensures non
10 MeV电子辐照加速器的穿透深度大、加工领域广,在电子辐照领域具有广阔的发展前景,其中,10 MeV行波电子直线加速管是关键核心部件,而在加速管研制中,调谐与匹配工作因其要
After examination to the former dissolving system device built in the 02Bhot cell in CRARL facility,there are some trouble including:1)The crowded space lead to
1/200 scale simulated disposal experimental device was set up in 2013 and operated from 2014,in which ground water penetrated host rock,buffer materials,contain