A Rewarding Job

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Jane needed more money for her holidays,soshe decided to get a job.Some of her friends worked in restaurants or coffeebars for a few hours every week.Some of themserved in shops on Saturdays.Neither of these jobs appealed to Jane.Then her sister Barbara saw an advertisement for a bahy-sitting agencyin a newspaper.Jane made an appointment and went for an interview. Jane needed more money for her holidays, soshe decided to get a job.Some of her friends worked in restaurants or coffeebars for a few hours every week.Some of themserved in shops on Saturdays.Neither of these jobs appealed to Jane.Then her sister Barbara saw an advertisement for a bahy-sitting agencyin a newspaper.Jane made an appointment and went for an interview.
23岁的庄林宇是个典型的武侠迷,经常跟朋友在论坛上、游戏里过过快意江湖的“干瘾”。  春节的时候,庄林宇回到了连云港的家里,叔叔的度假村亏损了。  庄林宇信步走到一个三面被湖面包围的桃林,桃花正开得盛。这不是黄药师的“桃花岛”吗?青石的平台正是“华山论剑”的地方!接下来,他又找到了很多场景,甚至连小龙女跟杨过的断肠崖都找到了。  黄昏时,他回到了叔叔家,详细地说了把度假村改造成“侠客岛”的计划。 
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