Mechanism of p53 downstream effectors p21 and Gadd45 in DNA damage surveillance

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhu872007990
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Both p21 (WAF1/CIP1) and Gadd45 were activated in a p53-dependent manner in MCF-7 cells after being exposed to ionizing radiation. In order to investigate their roles in DNA damage surveillance, p21~(as)/MCF-7 cells stably transfected by p21 antisense expression plasmid pC-WAF1-AS and Gadd45~(as)/MCF-7 stably transfected by Gadd45 antisense expression plasmid pCMVas45 were established. It was observed that G_1 arrest induced by radiation was significantly reduced in Gadd45~(as)/MCF-7 cells as well as in p21~(as)/MCF-7 cells. Repair of radiation damaged report gene greatly reduced in Gadd45~(as)/MCF-7 and p21~(as)/MCF-7 cells. Apoptosis significantly increased in p21~(as)/MCF-7 after exposure to radiation. These results suggest that both p21 and Gadd45 support cellular survival by taking roles in G_1 arrest and DNA repair, furthermore, p21 protects cells from death by inhibiting apoptosis after exposure to ionizing radiation. Both order p21 (WAF1 / CIP1) and Gadd45 were activated in a p53-dependent manner in MCF-7 cells after being exposed to ionizing radiation. In order to investigate their roles in DNA damage surveillance, p21 ~ (as) / MCF- It was observed that G_1 arrest induced by radiation was significantly reduced in Gadd45 ~ (as) / stably transfected by p21 antisense expression plasmid pC-WAF1-AS and Gadd45 ~ (as) / MCF-7 stably transfected by Gadd45 antisense expression plasmid pCMVas45 Repair of radiation damaged report gene gene reduced in Gadd45 ~ as / MCF-7 and p21 ~ (as) / MCF-7 cells / MCF-7 cells as well as in p21 asc / These results suggest that both p21 and Gadd45 support cellular survival by taking roles in G_1 arrest and DNA repair, furthermore, p21 protects cells from death by inhibiting apoptosis. Apoptosis was significantly increased in p21 ~ (as) / MCF-7 after exposure to radiation. after exposure to ionizing radiation.
为《地震研究》与时俱进、开拓进取 ,以适应新时期的发展 ,2 0 0 2年 1 2月 2 3日《地震研究》召开了第五届编辑委员会工作会议。会上宣布了由全国地震系统部分专家 ,全国部
目的:了解南京地区丙型肝炎病毒(HCV) 感染及乙型肝炎病毒(HBV) 抗原亚型分布情况。方法:对1993 ~1995 年住院肝病患者2 157 例,应用RT- PCR、HCV 进行基因型、阳性克隆序列分
《中国粉体技术》(双月刊 )  邮发代号 :2 4 15 5是中国颗粒学会、中国粉体工业协会 (筹 )主办、济南大学承办的粉体工程领域的专业技术期刊 ,公开发行。刊号 :CN37 1316 /T