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  Several Determinant Inequalities of Complex Metapositive Definite Matrices
  Yuan Nanqiao
  (Sichuan University of Arts and Science, Dazhou Sichuan,635000,China)
  【Abstract】In this paper we obtain two determinant inequalities of the complex metapositive definite matrices,these results generalize corresponding results in[2].
  【Key words】complex metapositive definite matrix;determinant;inequalities
  【CLC number】O151.21
  【Document code】A
  【Article ID】1005-250X(2007)11-0085-03
  1 Introduction
  In[1],[2],[3]and[7],[8] discussed several theories of real general positive definite matrices,became an important production of the development of positive definite matrices theories. In [4] discussed generalizer of Hermitian positive definite matrix on complex number field,give out the complex metapositive definite matrix’s basic quality and equivalent express. This paper discussed several determinant inequalities of complex metapositive definite matrices,generalize corresponding results in [2].
  In this paper,we let C n×n be all n-th-order square matrix. Let HDP(HDP0) be all n-th-order Hermitian positive definite (positive semi-definite) matrices. Let A* be adjoint matrix of A.
  Definition 1.1 Let A=(a ij ∈C n×n,if each x∈Cn,x≠0,and all must be Re>0(x*Ax)>0(≥0),at the situation is called A complex metapositive definite (complex metapositive semi-definite) matrices,marked A∈CPD(CPD0).
  If we denoted the set of n-th-order real metapositive definite matrixes by RPD and n-th-order real symmetric positive definite matrices by SPD. Then
  2 Main results
  Theorem 2.1 Let A∈CPD,B∈HPD,then we have
  |det(A+B)|>|det A|+|det B|
  =|det A|+det B
  Corollary 2.1.1 Let A∈CPD,B∈HPD, then we have
  |det(A+B)|1n>|det A|1n+|det B|1n
  Corollary 2.1.2 Let A∈CPD0,B∈HPD,then we have
  |det(A+B)|≥|det A|+|det B|
  Theorem 2.2 Let A∈CPD,B∈HPD0,and 0  |det(A+B)|≥|det A|
  Corollary 2.2.1 Let A∈CPD0,B∈HPD0,and0  |det(A+B)|≥|det A|
  3 Some Lemmas[4]
  Lemma 3.1 Let A∈Cn×n,Q∈Cn×n and Q be nonsingular matrix,then we have
  Lemma 3.2 Let A∈CPD,then A be positively stable matrix.That is real part of all proper value of A is positive number.
  Lemma 3.3 Let A=AkA1
  4 The proofs of Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.2
  Proof Theorem 2.1 since B∈HPD we can see,there exist nonsingular matrix P∈Cn×n,such that B=P*P[5]. Obviously
  We can also find out from lemma 3.1 Q*AQ∈CPD. And by Lemma 3.2 we can see there exist n-th-order unitary matrix U∈Un×n,such that
  Since det B>0,so det(Q*Q)>0.We divide each side of the inequality (1) by det(Q*Q),Theorem 2.1 is proved.
  For example,asserts that if A=H+iG and B are given such that H and B are positive definite,and G is Hermitian,then we may replace (A,B ) by (B1/2BA-1/2,In) and assume that B=In,Since A+A* is positive definite,the eigenvalues a1,…,an of A have positive real parts. Thus,
  Similarly Theorem 2.1 we can also prove Corollary 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. Pay attention to when A∈RPD,Theorem 2.1 is the results in [2],when A∈HPD,is classical conclusion. By all appearance,these corollary generalize corresponding results in [2].
  Proof Theorem 2.2 Since B∈HPD0 and 0  
  [1] TU Bo-xun. Theory of general positive definite matrices (Ⅰ) [J]. Acta. Math. Sinica,1990,33(4):462~471.(in Chinese)
  [2] TU Bo-xun. Theory of general positive definite matrices (Ⅱ) [J]. Acta. Math. Sinica,1991,34(1):91~102.(in Chinese)
  [3] YANG Xin-min. One determinant inequation of general positive definite matrices [J]. Math. in Practice and Theory,1994,24(2):45~47.(in Chinese)
  [4] FENG Ming-xian. Complex metapositive definite matrices [J]. Northeast Math,1994(1):51~53. (in Chinese)
  [5] YANG Ke-xun,BAO Xue-you. Matrix analyse [M]. Ha’erbing: Ha’erbing Industry University Press,1995.96.(in Chinese)
  [6] Marshall A. W. and Olkin I.,Inequalities: Theory of Majoriazation and its Applications [M].Academic Press,(1979).
  [7] Pullman N. J.,Matrix Theory and Applications [M]. Marcel Dekker Inc,New York and Basel.,1976,209~227.
  [8] HE Gan-tong,Several determinant inequalities of positive definite Hermittian matrices [J]. J.of Math. Res. & Expo.,2002,22(1):79~82(in Chinese)
  Received date:2007-10-11
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导演:本·杨杰  主演:乔万尼·利贝斯     尼基·卡特     文·狄塞尔     尼亚·朗     本·阿弗莱克  新线影片出品  在恶名昭著的J.T.马林证券交易所里,有一群炒作的年轻人,他们利用那些没有经验的人的贪婪心理向他们推销股票,从中获取高额利润,享受豪华的住宅和奢侈的生活。  塞思·戴维斯是一个19岁的辍学大学生,经营一家非法娱乐场失败之后,毅然来到无法预知未来前途的证券交易所,
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与学生沟通是做好班主任工作的基石。  从教多年来,我一直担任班主任工作。在长期实践中,是用了许多方法来进行师生交流。诸如:谈心、家访、开茶话会等,效果都不错。然而,前年新接的初一班的一名女生却把我难住了。    1 我被这位女同学难住了    这名女生叫张蕾,学习非常刻苦,成绩好,知识性格太内向,和同学之间不能搞好关系,经常因一些小事和邻桌、临床闹矛盾。我开始以为只要多找他谈谈心,情况会好的,谁知