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影视配乐作为影视这门综合艺术中不可或缺的一个重要元素,通常具有抒发情感、渲染场景和刻画人物性格等多种功能,影视配乐除了抒发剧中人物的思想感情以外,还可以暗示引导观众的情绪,表达电影创作人员的态度立场,这种情绪的抒发在影视作品中往往只能用音乐的形式来表达,是其他电影语言所代替不了的,同时能起到深化电影主题的作用。本文将以周星驰经典喜剧作品的配乐为例,研究影视配乐的类型特点及其对电影电视主题深化 Film and television music as an integral part of film and television art is an indispensable element, usually with a variety of functions to express emotions, rendering scenes and depicting the character and personality, film and television music in addition to expressing the emotions of the characters in the drama, but also can be implied to guide the audience , Expressing the attitude of movie creators. The expression of emotion in film and television works can often be expressed in the form of music, which can not be replaced by other film languages, and at the same time can play the role of deepening the theme of the movie. This article will be the classic comedy of Stephen Chow’s soundtrack as an example, the type of film and television music and the characteristics of the deepening of the theme of film and television
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美国《橡胶和塑料新闻》(www.rubbernews.com)2008年6月21日报道:固铂轮胎橡胶公司计划投资3100万美元收购墨西哥第2大轮胎生产厂Corporacion de Oc-cidente38%的股份。这家
Molybdenum trioxide(MoO 3)as a cathode buffer layer is inserted between LiF and Al to improve the efficiency of white organic light-emitting diodes(OLEDs)in thi
<正> 一、概述:电控燃油暖风机是一种独立式热风取暖装置。为解决高原手术车等卫生技术车辆上的取暖问题而研制的。这种取暖装置与目前常用的利用汽车发动机冷却水、汽车废气
首先介绍Multisim仿真软件的优点,其次通过闪烁二极管电路和基于Multisim的单片机开发举例,说明Multisim在硬件系统设计实训中进行模拟电路和数字电路分析和设计的方法。 Fi
随着科学接生知识的普及,新生儿破伤风在临床上已极少见。但近年来,其发病率有上升趋势。我院于1992~1997年收治12例,其中10例为外来人口,死亡3例。分析报告如下。1 临床资料