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科学技术的发展,为科技档案工作增添了新的内容和管理手段。当今,科技发展又是科技档案工作走向现代化的前提和基础。科技档案工作不但服务于科技发展,而且它能真实地记录科技发展的漫长历程。认清二者之间的关系,有助于我们在科技发展的今天,更好地完善科技档案管理。一、科技档案是科技发展的写照首先,科技档案是对科研、生产、建设等科技生产活动的反映。科学技术是促进社会发展的强大动力。它在整个人类文明史中,特别是在现代社会物质生产领域里,日益显示出巨大的作用。科学技术是生产力。因为,它在社会历史进程中无 The development of science and technology has added new contents and management tools to the scientific and technological archives work. Nowadays, the development of science and technology is also the precondition and basis for the modernization of science and technology files. Scientific and technological archives work not only serves the development of science and technology, but it can truly record the long course of development of science and technology. A clear understanding of the relationship between the two will help us improve the management of science and technology files better today. First, the scientific and technological archives is a portrayal of technological development First of all, scientific and technological archives is a reflection of scientific and technological activities such as scientific research, production and construction. Science and technology are powerful engines of social development. It has played an increasingly significant role in the entire history of human civilization, especially in the material production of modern society. Science and technology are productivity. Because it is in the process of social history
当一名幼儿园教师,挺好的。你瞧,脚穿一双平底鞋,头上束一把“马尾松”,穿梭在小朋友们中间。这就是我,一个幼儿园教师的真实风采。无须为粉雕玉琢去大费光 When a kinderg
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父母是孩子的监护人,当然要保护他的安全了。可是保护的度怎么掌握,有时候还真拿捏不好。先来测一测面对危险自己是哪一类父母,再看一看我们是否需要改变。  袋鼠型情景重现  每次妈妈带妞妞出门,牵着手是必须的,即使妞妞和小朋友在小区里玩,妈妈也会在她半径1米之内的地方看着,时不时地提醒妞妞别摔着,有小朋友要碰着妞妞时,她会先把小朋友拉开。所以,妞妞几乎就没摔过、磕过。  形象点评:这类父母就像袋鼠一样,
Q:树木伐倒后,在树墩上可以看到许多同心圆环,老师说这是年轮,我们可以通过它知道树木的年龄,那么这些年轮是怎样长出来的呢?(上海市上海小学李文雷) Q: After the tree ha
关于企业的竞争优势 ,我们常常听到这么三种似是而非的说法。一曰要新 ,认为竞争要取胜就是要出新 ,新产品、新方式、新路子 ,人无我有 ,独领风骚。二曰要奇、要巧 ,靠计谋、