Corporate Governance and Insider Trading Regulation Efficiency

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This paper aims to measure insider trading probability and the corresponding regulation efficiency in China. Based on an identification of influencing factors of corporate governance, the author explores the relationship among insider trading, corporate governance, and corporate value. The author also uses, based on high-frequency financial data, the probability of insider trading to measure the degree of insider trading in China's security market.Results reveal that China's security market has failed to punish and prohibit illegal insider trading effectively. However, the security market does exert certain constraints on insider-trading-ridden listed companies. The conclusion of this article is that by improving corporate governance, we can enhance the efficiency of insider trading regulation. Practical implications are also discussed.
This paper elaborates on a theoretical framework that assesses the effects of inter-firm trust and learning on firm's subsequent innovation output.We argue that
据文献记载,有关我国三代虫(Gyrodactylinae)的研究始于1948年[1],迄今为止 ,已报道三代虫42种[1-3].作者在整理、鉴定三代虫标本时发现,寄生于两种鰟鮍鳃部的四种三代虫在我
实现首都科学发展,核心是创新,关键在人才,根本在教育。到2020年实现首都教育现代化,使首都进入以教育和人才培养为优势的现代化国际城市行列,必将成为首都科学发展的重要战略选择。    保障教育公平是首都教育现代化的基本前提    要根据人的发展潜力、发展阶段对教育需求的特点扩大教育服务的领域,提供多次选择的机会,满足人民群众对教育多种形式的选择以及对个性化教育的需求。要进一步健全资助政策体系,加大
According to the literature on entrepreneurial orientation (EO),proactive firms are more likely to achieve first-mover advantage and higher performance. The neo