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茶,作为世界三大饮料之一,是中国物质文化的一块瑰宝。而茶所承载的文化涵义则远不止于此,中国的茶文化是中国人对世界文化的一大贡献,世界各国无论是茶物质文化还是茶精神文化都直接或间接地来源于中国。一、茶是中国浓茶起源于中国,历史悠久,“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公。”茶文化的形成和发展在陆羽的《茶经》出现之后。被誉为“茶叶百科全书”的《茶经》可以看做是茶的发展的成熟阶段的标志,它的问世标志着我国的茶文化在唐代进入了繁荣 Tea, one of the three major beverages in the world, is a treasure of Chinese material culture. The cultural meaning carried by tea is much more than that. China’s tea culture is a major contribution made by the Chinese people to world culture. The tea material culture and the tea spiritual culture of all countries in the world are directly or indirectly originating from China. First, the tea is Chinese tea originated in China, has a long history, “Tea for the drink, made Shennong’s, heard Lu Zhougong. ” The formation and development of tea culture in Lu Yu’s “Tea Sutra” appears. The Book of Tea known as the “Encyclopedia of Tea” can be seen as a symbol of the mature stage of the tea development. Its advent indicates that the tea culture of our country entered prosperity in the Tang Dynasty
摘 要:在文学语境中,“密室化”是指作家在写作中刻意规避复杂的社会背景,将文学世界从现实问题中自发剥离的创作手法。本文将着眼于川端康成小说中“密室化”现象的文学表现,结合时代背景,剖析作家在隐晦的战争叙事下塑造文学“密室”的原因,并深入挖掘作家意欲借助文学“密室”揭露社会现实、救赎民族精神的创作意图。  关键词:川端康成 “密室化” 战争 精神救赎  日本学界大都认为川端康成的创作与现实存在一定的
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由中国热处理行业协会主办的《 2 0 0 1全国热处理行业厂长经理会议暨第二次质量工作会议》于 8月 2 2~ 2 4日在江苏大丰召开 ,全国 1 70余名厂长经理等与会。这次会议主题是