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采用顶空气相色谱法测定冷饮中的甜蜜素含量,结果:甜蜜素含量在0.2~1mg范围内,标准曲线线性关系良好,r=0.9989;样品的加标回收率为91.25%~110.00%;检测结果与国标方法比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。利用该法检测快速、简便,满足检测要求,适合夏季大批量冷饮同时检测。 The sodium cyclamate content in cold drinks was determined by headspace gas chromatography. Results: The content of sodium cyclamate was in the range of 0.2-1 mg, the calibration curve had a good linearity (r = 0.9989), and the spiked recoveries were 91.25% -110.00% Results with the national standard method was no significant difference (P> 0.05). Use of the method of detection fast, simple, to meet the testing requirements for large quantities of summer cold drinks while testing.
春姑娘唱完春之歌,伴随着一场春雨,走了。夏姑娘驾着雷车来到人间,她迫不及待地唱起了夏之歌,从四月唱到八月。听到她浪漫、迷人、优雅的歌声,小动物们都陶醉了。  不知疲倦的知了用它那奔放的歌喉、激情的腔调,在树上一遍又一遍地唱着“热死了,热死了”,从四月唱到八月。小朋友们心急火燎地从家里跑出来,“扑通、扑通”地跳到河里洗起痛快的冷水澡,仿佛夏天的炎热是知了们闹出来的。  青蛙也想来凑热闹,可它们怕自己
By using auger electron spectroscopy(AES)and diffusion theory to analyze the surface segregation of copper in antibacterial ferritic stainless steel,establishin
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By the sessile drop technique, the wettability of Cu/W systems with the additions of Ni and Cr has been studied under vacuum atmosphere. Effects of Ni and Cr co