自1969年以来,瑞典规定凡新发现活动性结核病例及取消登记病例,都要分别报告给国家结核病登记中心。同时对于结核菌的发现和耐药情况也要上报。发病率 1978年新发现病例为1,127例(男667,女460),发病率为13.6/10万,较1977年的13.4/10万有轻度上升。1971—1977年新发现病例平均每年减少168例,如此种趋势持续至1978年,则本年的新病例总数应是940例。1978年发病率略有上升的原因,尚待研究,但用统计学方法分析,此数字本身并不表示结核病实际情况在恶化。与以往相同,发病率高峰见于60岁以上的高龄组。续发性肺结核男性高于女性。患病率 1978年底全国登记结核病总例数7,054,即85/10万,其中79%为续发性肺结核。登记病例中1969年以前登记的尚有活
Since 1969, Sweden has stipulated that all newly discovered active tuberculosis cases and unregistered cases should be separately reported to the national tuberculosis registry. At the same time for the discovery of TB and drug resistance also reported. Incidence of 1,137 newly detected cases in 1978 (male 667, female 460), the incidence was 13.6 / 100 000, slightly higher than 13.4 / 100 000 in 1977. The average number of newly discovered cases in 1971-1977 decreased by 168 cases per year on average. If this trend persists until 1978, the total number of new cases in this year should be 940 cases. The reason for the slight increase in morbidity in 1978 remains to be seen, but the statistical analysis shows that this figure does not in itself indicate that the actual condition of tuberculosis is worsening. As usual, the incidence peak was seen in the elderly group over the age of 60. Men with persistent tuberculosis are higher than women. Prevalence At the end of 1978, the total number of registered TB cases in the country was 7,054, or 85/10 million, of which 79% were persistent tuberculosis. Registered cases registered before 1969 still alive