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人们无奈地感到,无论专家如何提倡保护,还是地方进行怎样的抢救措施,对于方言的保护延续,都显得有些力不从心。方言的消失,在某种意义上,就是文化的差异性和丰富性在缩减。道理很简单,我们处在一个一切都被简化、被“通用”的时代,全球化的年代,必须要有一种公共语言交流。那么,让今天的年轻人延续一个方言的世界,是多么勉为其难。 People feel reluctantly that no matter how experts advocate protection or what kind of rescue measures are taken at local level, the protection of dialects continues to be somewhat inadequate. The disappearance of dialects, in a sense, is the reduction of cultural diversity and richness. The reason is very simple. We are in a time when everything is simplified and “universal.” In the era of globalization, we must have a communal language exchange. Then, how reluctant it is for the young people of today to extend the dialectic world.
This study shows crosshole seismic technology can offer not only images of crosshole tomography, but also reflect sections of high resolution. Proper processing
据中国地震台网测定 ,2 0 0 2年 5月 1 5日北京时间 1 1时 46分在台湾苏澳以东海域( 2 4.5°N,1 2 2 .1°E)发生 MS6.5地震。震中距苏澳约 2 5km,距台北约 80 km。据报道 ,福
The faunal ecological type and sequence in the Tertiary red clay indicate that Hipparion fauna during the period 7.4-6.1 Ma in the middle reaches of the Yellow
Oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses have been carried out on calcareous nannofossils from ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea. The results demonstrate
Theearthquakes (ML≥ 3 0 )catalogueofForthquarterinnortheasternarea ,2 0 0 1序号发 震 时 间月日时 分 秒地  震  位  置北 纬东 经地  点震级(ML)深度(km) 精度1 1 0 0 1 1 1  30  1 4 Theearthquakes (ML≥30) c