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目的:探讨排尿后即刻前列腺按压液(EPS)检查在慢性前列腺炎诊治中的应用价值。方法:2013年1月~2015年3月,共接诊慢性前列腺炎患者56例,连续进行排尿后即刻EPS常规检查和细菌、支原体培养、衣原体DNA检测100次。年龄22~65岁,平均35.8岁,病史1~36个月,平均3个月。诊断方法:检查前停用抗生素3天以上。禁止性生活1天以上。充盈的膀胱于检查前排空后,立即进行前列腺按摩,取得前列腺液。第1滴送做常规检查,然后用无菌棉签于尿道内沾得前列腺液,密封后立即送做细菌培养、支原体培养和衣原体DNA检测。结果:细菌培养阳性39例,解尿支原体培养阳性3例,衣原体DNA阳性1例。常规检查发现滴虫1例,结核菌1例。将其归结为感染性前列腺炎,共44例(其中1例为细菌和支原体混合感染)。无感染性前列腺炎12例。前者EPS常规检查中WBC<10个/HP 21例,WBC>10个/HP 23例,后者WBC<10个/HP 6例,WBC>10个/HP 6例。感染性前列腺炎口服敏感抗生素治疗后复查1次病原体转阴的37例,临床症状均明显减轻或基本消失。2次转阴的2例,3次转阴的1例。无EPS复查4例。40例病原体转阴的患者,44次EPS常规检查WBC>10个/HP 22次,WBC<10个/HP 22次。结论:排尿后即刻EPS检查在慢性前列腺炎的诊断、治疗和随访中,有着非常重要的临床意义。EPS常规检查中WBC的数量不能反映前列腺是否存在感染。 Objective: To investigate the value of prostate pression (EPS) examination in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic prostatitis immediately after urination. Methods: From January 2013 to March 2015, 56 patients with chronic prostatitis were admitted to our hospital. Continuous routine examinations of EPS, bacterial culture, mycoplasma culture and detection of chlamydia DNA were performed immediately after urination for 100 times. Aged 22 to 65 years, mean 35.8 years old, history of 1 to 36 months, an average of 3 months. Diagnosis: Check antibiotics before the test more than 3 days. Prohibit sex more than 1 day. Filled bladder emptying before examination, the prostate massage immediately, to obtain prostatic fluid. The first drop to do a routine examination, and then use a sterile swab in the urethra stained prostatic fluid, immediately after the bacterial culture sent, mycoplasma culture and chlamydia DNA testing. Results: Bacterial culture was positive in 39 cases, Mycoplasma genitalium in culture positive in 3 cases, Chlamydia DNA positive in 1 case. 1 routine examination found trichomoniasis, tuberculosis in 1 case. Attributed to infective prostatitis, a total of 44 cases (one case of mixed bacterial and mycoplasma infection). Infectious prostatitis in 12 cases. The former routine EPS routine examination WBC <10 / HP 21 cases, WBC> 10 / HP 23 cases, the latter WBC <10 / HP 6 cases, WBC> 10 / HP 6 cases. Infective prostatitis oral sensitive antibiotics after treatment of a review of 37 pathogens negative, the clinical symptoms were significantly reduced or almost disappeared. 2 cases of negative in 2 cases, 3 cases of negative in 1 case. No EPS review in 4 cases. Forty patients underwent routine EPS examination of WBC> 10 / HP 22 times and WBC <10 / HP 22 times in 40 patients with negative pathogens. CONCLUSIONS: EPS examination immediately after urination has very important clinical implications in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of chronic prostatitis. The number of WBCs in an EPS routine examination does not reflect the presence or absence of infection in the prostate.
肾移植术后患者由于长期服用免疫抑制剂或既往服用马兜铃酸药物,罹患上尿路尿路上皮癌(upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma,UUT UC)的风险增加,根治性肾输尿管全长切