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在农牧渔业部宣传司的主持下,近百位蔬菜专家经过多年的努力,《中国蔬菜栽培学》(以下简称栽培学)于1987年由农业出版社出版了。这是我国第一部大型蔬菜栽培学专著,全书170多万字,内容十分全面而丰富。书中除了从各方面叙述我国蔬菜栽培的现状外,对我国的蔬菜栽培历史地作了回顾。令人遗憾的是,书中对栽培历史的叙述错误颇多,未能如实地反映我国蔬菜栽培的史实。笔者试根据典籍记载,对书中各章节的栽培历史部分进行了校勘,发现其错误的性质约可大别为五类:一是对史料掌握不全面,二是所引史料的出处有误,三是对史料的理解欠妥,四是历史知识的叙述有误,五是所引史料的文字或句读有误。该书是组织全国力量编写的第一部蔬菜栽培学专著,有一定的权威性,是书印数虽然不多,但是,1988年已进行了第二次印刷,足见其影响面是比较广的。鉴于此,笔者认为很有必要 Under the auspices of the Propaganda Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, nearly a hundred vegetable experts after years of hard work, “China’s Vegetable Cultivation” (hereinafter referred to as cultivation) was published in 1987 by the Agricultural Press. This is China’s first large-scale vegetable cultivation monograph, the book more than 1.7 million words, the content is very comprehensive and rich. In addition to the book described from all aspects of the status of China’s vegetable cultivation, the history of vegetable cultivation in China made a review. Regrettably, there are quite a few erroneous narratives on cultivation history in the book, failing to faithfully reflect the historical facts about the cultivation of vegetables in our country. According to the records of the author, the author conducted a collation of the historical parts of the cultivation of various chapters in the book and found that the nature of his mistakes can be divided into five categories: first, incomplete grasp of historical materials; second, Third, the understanding of historical materials is not good. Fourth, the narration of historical knowledge is incorrect. Fifth, the historical materials used are mistyped or read. This book is the first vegetable cultivation monograph compiled by the national forces. It is authoritative. It is a book printed in small quantities. However, the second printing has been carried out in 1988, which shows that its influence is relatively extensive . In view of this, I think it is necessary
<正> 1987年4月,湖北省阳新县星潭乡郭家垅村农民在清理田坎时,发现一处青铜器窖藏。县博物馆获悉后,即派员前往调查和清理,并接收了全部窖藏文物。随后,省博物馆又派员到发现地点作了复查。窖藏位于郭家垅村西坑羊尾田坎边上。
<正> 铜岭遗址是近年发现的一处重要采铜、冶铜遗存,其采冶时代从商代中期延至战国早期。年代之早,保存之好,内涵之丰富,为古代矿冶遗址所罕见。
舍格林综合征(Sjogren syndrome,SS),是以口腔干燥和干燥性角膜结膜炎为主要症状,唾液腺和泪腺等外分泌腺受到特异性损害的自身免疫性疾患。据报道,在SS患者的唾液腺导管周
<正> 1987年,在江苏新沂花厅遗址共发掘26座墓葬。出土的人骨和兽骨保存程度均很差,骨质疏烂,几乎一触即溃,只有10座墓葬中的局部骨块和牙齿尚可捡取。现据捡取材料并参照现场所见人骨情况作鉴定报告如下。
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