
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lynxmao
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12月份,国内煤炭市场行情涨跌互现。具体来看,动力煤市场运行相对稳定,电厂煤耗水平有所升高,用户存煤逐步下降,市场成交情况有所好转,动力煤价格窄幅波动。炼焦煤市场弱势运行,下游市场需求增长乏力,市场供需压力整体偏大,市场成交较为平淡,局部地区运输不畅导致供应略显偏紧,炼焦煤价格涨跌互现。无烟煤市场运行清淡,市场成交略显低迷,下游市场需求不振,无烟煤价格有所下跌。后期,下游用户存 In December, the domestic coal market was mixed. Specifically, the operation of thermal coal market is relatively stable, the level of coal consumption in power plants has risen, the number of stored coal users has been gradually declining, the market turnover has improved, and the price of thermal coal has fluctuated within a narrow range. Coking coal market is weak, the downstream market demand growth sluggish, the overall market supply and demand pressure is too large, the market transaction is relatively flat, partial transportation led to a slight tight supply, coking coal prices mixed. The operation of anthracite market was light, the market turnover was slightly sluggish, the demand of downstream market slumped and the price of anthracite dropped. Later, downstream users save
对1994年高考22题一种证法的推敲汤先键(兰州市万里中学730070)题目已知函数f(x)=tgx,若x1,且x1≠x2,证明[1]、[2]、[3]等文给出了“凸函数”证法:证明如图,f(x)=tgx,是下凸函数,在正切曲线上任取两点P1(x1,t... Question of a certifica
函数夕。 丫滚二毛万109。又3二*l)(a二O_且为( ).、一去一〔:3告一。了1)的定义域 娇_、:3只‘节O c一乡!、3且忿、。D·与·的取值有关 ,3·函数,(·)一1。全抖.。(·)一l
The aim of the study was to define the relevance of deletions and duplications within the DAZ gene cluster to male factor infertility in a population of 90 infe
<正> 失重与超重实验是演示实验中的一个难点。由于物体的快速运动和时间的短暂,往往给学生的观察带来困难。本刊1994年第2期刊登的《失重小实验》一文中作者介绍的做法是通
本刊1994年第6期《浮针、浮币实验中的表面张力》一文中,最后给出的结论是:硬币是在表面张力与浮力的共同作用下漂浮于水面。笔者对此结论,特作如下商榷。 In the article