
来源 :国外医学(临床放射学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xielianqin
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在急性白血病骨髓移植中,全身放疗加高剂量化疗起“准备剂”作用。对于异体骨髓移植作用有二:机体的免疫抑制和根治病变;对自体骨髓移植则主要目的是根治病变。全身放疗的总剂量,单次照射为5 Gy左右,多次分割照射为15.75Gy左右。临界器官主要是肺和肝,目前尚无较好的方法解决其耐受问题。随看骨髓移植运用的增加,全身放疗的远期毒性逐步引起人们的关注,特别是对儿童内分泌的长期影响。全身放疗技术和实际运用: 用全身放疗作骨髓移植的“准备剂”,病人应住入专门病房(消毒病房,常为空气对流滤过室),且严密观察血液学指标。整个治疗过程即从骨髓移植准备开始到粒细胞减少症恢复直至移植成活为 In acute leukemia bone marrow transplantation, systemic radiotherapy plus high-dose chemotherapy act as a “preparation agent”. For allogeneic bone marrow transplantation there are two: the body’s immune suppression and radical lesions; the main purpose of autologous bone marrow transplantation is to cure lesions. The total dose of whole body radiotherapy was about 5 Gy for a single irradiation, and about 15.75 Gy for multiple split irradiation. The critical organs are mainly lung and liver. There is no good way to solve the problem of tolerance. With the increase in the use of bone marrow transplantation, the long-term toxicity of systemic radiotherapy has gradually attracted people’s attention, especially the long-term effects on children’s endocrine. Systemic radiotherapy techniques and practical applications: With systemic radiotherapy as a “preparation agent” for bone marrow transplantation, the patient should be admitted to a special ward (sterilization ward, often air convection filtration room), and close observation of hematological parameters. The entire treatment process starts from the preparation of bone marrow transplantation to the restoration of neutropenia until the transplant survives.
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