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6月9日至14日,黑龙江省公安消防总队总队长王路之率领工作组深入鹤岗、双鸭山、佳木斯市消防支队,检查重点工作落实情况。在鹤岗市支队,他先后视察了萝北大队、二中队、特勤中队和一中队,参观了集贤大队和支队119指挥中心建筑工地;在佳木斯市支队视察了特勤中队、二中队、三中队、木材中队、同江大队、富锦大队和桦南大队。王路之总队长每到一地,亲切慰问官兵,详细了解官兵生活、学习、训练和部队执勤战备、装备建设等情况,通过实地检查、与官兵谈话、听取支队党委汇报,检查各支队“大讨论、两整顿”和重点工作落实情况,对当前工作提出要求。 From June 9 to June 14, Wang Luzhi, head of the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Fire Brigade commander led the working group to visit the fire brigade in Hegang, Shuangyashan and Jiamusi to inspect the implementation of key tasks. In Hegang City detachment, he inspected successively the Luobei Brigade, the Second Squadron, the Special Squadron and a Squadron, and visited the Jixian Brigade and the Detachment 119 Command Center Construction Site. The detachment in Jiamusi inspected the Squadron, the Second Squadron and the Third Squadron , Timber Squadron, Tongjiang Brigade, Fujin Brigade and Huanan Brigade. Everywhere, Wang Luzhi, chief commander, comforted officers and soldiers and learned more about officers and soldiers’ lives, learning, training and military operations and equipment and equipment construction. Through field inspections, they talked with officers and soldiers and listened to the reports of detachment party committees and checked the “large Discussion and two reorganizations ”and the implementation of key tasks and put forward requirements for the current work.
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