,Immunoregulatory effects of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F and its extracts in clinical practice

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Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F (TwHF) and its extracts have long been used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis,autoimmune diseases,and kidney disease due to their anti-inflammatory,immunoregulatory,and other pharmacological effects.However,the clinical immunoregulatory effects of TwHF and its extracts remain unclear,so we reviewed their effects for use in clinical practice.This review provides a comprehensive summary of the recent literature on the immunoregulatory effects of TwHF and its extracts in clinical studies.TwHF and its extracts affect the proliferation and activation of T and B cells;ratio of T cell subsets;inflammatory response of monocytes,macrophages,and immunoglobulins;and secretion of many cytokines.Together,these effects dictate immune function in a variety of diseases.TwHF and its extracts can be used alone or in combination with existing therapies against many immune disorders through immunomodulation.
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