To Judge or Not to Judge: A Discussion on the idea of Judging in the Analects of Confucius and the B

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  Mathew 7:12 says “do to others what you want them to do to you”. It can be roughly paraphrased as “to give others what you think is the best” and this is the golden rule. On the other hand, Confucius said that “do not do to others what you don’t want them to do to you (己所不欲,勿施于人)”; this is the silver rule. While many western scholars believe that the silver rule is beneath the golden one illustrated in the bible, I beg to differ.
  The Bible teaches people that even when someone struck you on your right cheek, you should always turn your left cheek towards the said person to show your love and forgiveness. I opine that this kind of teaching is wrong and impractical. Should the golden rule become a reality, there will be no concept of right and wrong. The good gets hurt, yet the bad remains unharmed. Isn’t allowing culprit to get away without any punishment equal to being an accessary to crimes? Such golden rule gives rise to the ongoing epidemic of “moral kidnapping” and “the perfect victim”. Our current society is ruled by laws and regulations; we can not rely solely on the Lord’s Ten Commandments. Expecting everyone to behave properly without solid supervision is idealistic and na?ve; such daydreaming will only leave our society vulnerable when real crimes occur. I would love more than anything to just look up at the stars and think about the good of this realm, however, we human live on the ground and there are real problems crying to be solved.
  Matthew 7:1 says “do not judge, or you will be judged”. John 8:7 says “let him who is without sin cast the first stone”. On the other hand, Confucius said that let those who were merciful and fair be the judges. In chapter Liren of the Analects of Confucius, he said “only the benevolent ones could love and dislike people (唯仁者能好人,能惡人)”. To realize his ideal society of benevolence, righteousness, manners, wisdom and credit, Confucius believed people must be able to reflect on themselves and others. The foundation of reflection is being able to tell what is right and what is wrong. Confucius opined that certain people, the fair and righteous ones, are qualified to be the judges of such concept even though they are mere mortals. On the contrary, in Bible, only the Lord can be the judge of mortals, he is the only law maker.
  In chapter Gongzhichang of the Analects of Confucius, Zigong said that “ those I do not want people to do to me, I will not do to others,” Confucius replied with “that is not up to you.” To me, his teaching means that one can not hold this na?ve idea which is that others will treat you exactly the way you treat them, since after all, things do not always go as you wish. Luke 6:37 disagrees with Confucius by saying “judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven”. It is rather dangerous to not judge anything for the sake of not getting judged by others. This kind of thoughts often pop up when I am doing a group project, I tend to withdraw my opinion even when I know for sure that other people are wrong, because I fear to cause them to lose face and also getting criticized myself. But do not forget, if no one points out mistakes, our society will never learn to grow.   The fundamental difference between the golden rule and the silver rule is not about the level of benevolence or pragmaticism. I believe the real divergence lies in the ultimate destination of life which the two set of philosophy are trying to guide people to. If one take faith in the logic that people could go to a promised land without sins and crimes after death should he or she forgive and love humanity and stay loyal to God in life, then he or she can ignore sins and crimes in this life for the judgement day will come eventually. Confucius, however, asked people to think otherwise. Everything he preaches aims at applying the four cardinal virtues (humanity, justice, propriety and wisdom) to cultivating one’s personality, regulating families, governing countries and making the world whole and peaceful. He aimed at this life, not the afterlife. There is no pretty afterlife for the civilian who died because of the wars and tyranny; there is no fancy promises for people who endured injustice in this life and “justice delayed is justice denied”.
  According to Chinese ancient philosophies, you either choose to enlighten people with benevolence and moral integrity or you use laws and regulations to discipline them, either way, you are fighting for this life, this reality. This is why I value silver rule above the golden one and why we should always judge ourselves, the others and the reality that we exist within.
【摘要】本文将以《新职业英语2》Unit 7 Business Travel Reading A 课程设计为例介绍高职英语课堂中教学如何进行线上线下融合,通过教学软件帮助学生提高学习效率,也能帮助老师和学生以及学生和学生之间加深互动,帮助学生掌握学习方法。  【关键词】线上线下;蓝墨云班课;FiF口语训练  【作者简介】孙芳 (1982.06-),女,江苏南京人,南京信息职业技术学院,讲师,硕士研
【摘要】在物联网迅猛发展的新时代背景下,翻转课堂和慕课等教学模式先后出现。这使传统的教学模式和教学理念发生了深刻变化,也使大学英语课堂教学迎来了机遇和挑战。如何灵活地将互联网技术与英语学科教学结合,尤其是如何在课堂中有效使用手机,成为极富创新潜力的课改探索方向。  【关键词】大学英语;教学模式;课堂教学;手机  【作者简介】薛建军,山西工商学院。  【基金项目】山西工商学院2019年院级课题,课题
【摘要】在高职英语的课堂中,通过翻转课堂的方式将高职英语课堂中的学生们英语学习带入到一个高效丰富充实的学习状态中去。另外,高职英语翻转课堂的应用以激发学生们的主动学习为目标,帮助学生们培养自主学习、主动学习的意识,培养可持续发展的学生。另外,为了严格把控高职英语的翻转课堂学习效率,建立健全基于网络空间下的课堂教学评级体系和质量监控体系是十分重要的,本文基于此提出了相应的分析和策略。  【关键词】网
【摘要】本文尝试探讨翻转课堂模式在大学英语语法教学中的应用,对于促进大学英语语法教学具有一定的积极作用。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大学英语;语法教学  【作者简介】彭琳(1977-),女,藏族,四川小金人,西南民族大学外国语学院,讲师,英语语言学硕士,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学;胡艳萍,西南民族大学外国语学院。一、大学英语语法教学现状  我国很多院校进行了大学英语教学改革,如大学英语分级教学,
【摘要】慕课作为近年来兴起的大规模网络教育平台,影响着我国整个教育行业,尤其是对高职英语教学的影响,可以说既是挑战也是机遇。本文将以慕课发展现状为背景,讨论高职英语教学的创新方式,希望可以对慕课背景下的高职英语教学提供一点帮助。  【关键词】慕课;高职英语;教学创新  【作者简介】娄良珍,陕西商洛职业技术学院。  前言  在慕课模式的影响下,创新高职英语教学方法已经成为高职院校发展进程中必不可少的
【摘要】当前高校英语测试中存在形式单一和内容贫乏等问题,不利于客观、全面反映学生的英语学习综合运用能力。以问题为导向,注重测试的多维度、综合性与发展性,活化测试方式与内容,有的放矢引导学生针对自身不足查漏补缺。  【关键词】高校英语;测试;问题;多维度;综合性  【作者简介】杨家云,上海理工大学。  高校英语教学测试是学校考量学生英语综合运用能力的有效途径,能真正体现测试的导向性。但在测试中出现的
【摘要】自人类文明出现以来,最开始经历是旧石器时代,新时期时代,接着是第一次工业革命带来的蒸汽时代,第二次工业革命的电器时代,如今,我们已经进入了第三次科技革命的信息技术时代。也就意味着,当今世界是一个信息爆炸的时代,众多的信息数据汇集在一起,一个名词也就应运而生——大数据。大数据已经影响了我们当代社会太多层面,本文主要阐述大数据对大学英语所带来的影响。  【关键词】大数据;大学英语;英语写作  
【摘要】信息化教学在教育领域当中已经非常普及,对创新教学模式和提高课堂效率都有很好的促进作用。大学英语是高等教育中主要课程之一,要想学好英语,听说读写的能力都需要具备,信息化教学在大学英语课堂上可以帮助教师有效提高对学生各项能力培养的效率,不过在实际的教学中也有一些问题影响了信息化教学作用发挥。本文就大学英语信息化教学中的问题与对策进行探究分析。  【关键词】大学英语;信息化教学;问题与对策  【
【摘要】随着信息技术的飞速发展,也为教育事业带来了相应的发展机遇,提升高职英语教师的信息化教学能力也成了当前阶段人們重点关注话题。因此,本文对此展开具体的研究和分析,对高职英语教师信息化教学能力的内涵进行阐述,通过以个案研究的形式通过调查、访谈等方式高职英语教师信息化能力的现状进行调研,对高职英语教师信息化教学能力方面存在的问题进行探讨,并提出相应的解决对策。  【关键词】高职教育;英语教师;信息
【摘要】多媒体技术运用到英语教学中,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高听说写能力,提高课堂教学效率。本文力圖根据中职生特点与英语学科教学规律,探索有效的中职英语学习模式,构建有序的中职英语学习教学体系,从而优化中职英语课堂教学,真正让中职生学好英语。  【关键词】现代信息技术;中职英语;课堂教学;整合  【作者简介】钱红,江苏省泰兴中等专业学校。  众所周知,中职学生文化基础比较薄弱,他们自信心和自制力