Changes in Lignin Content and Activity of Related Enzymes in the Endocarp During the Walnut Shell De

来源 :Horticultural Plant Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yadnlf
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Lignification was observed using the phloroglucinol–HCl method and the content of lignin,cellulose,and polyphenol and the activity of related enzymes were measured during development with the materials of walnut of ‘Zanmei’ and ‘Zhenzhuxiang’.Results showed that lignification occurred at the beginning of June,initially took shape in mid-June and finished in late July.From shell lignification to harvest,the concentrations of lignin,cellulose,and phenolic content increased before harvest,but phenolic content decreased slightly.The activities of both POD and PAL decreased and PPO varied somewhat.Correlation analysis showed lignin content to be significantly positively correlated with the cellulose content.Phenolic content had a significant positive correlation with that of lignin.Phenolic content was positively correlated with cellulose.The activity of POD had a significant negative correlation with lignin,cellulose,and phenolic content,but it was positively correlated with the activity of PAL. Lignification was observed using the phloroglucinol-HCl method and the content of lignin, cellulose, and polyphenol and the activity of related enzymes were measured during development with the materials of walnut of ’Zanmei’ and ’Zhenzhuxiang’.Results showed that lignification occurred at the beginning of June, initially took shape in mid-June and finished in late July. Fro shell lignification to harvest, the concentrations of lignin, cellulose, and phenolic content increased before harvest, but phenolic content decreased slightly. The activities of both POD and PAL decreased and PPO varied somewhat. Correlation analysis showed lignin content to be significantly positively correlated with the cellulose content. Phenolic content had a significant positive correlation with that of lignin. Phenolic content was positively correlated with cellulose. The activity of POD had a significant negative correlation with lignin, cellulose, and phenolic content, but it was positively correlated with the acti vity of PAL.
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光阴荏苒,岁月峥嵘。引领中国独立富强的核心力量——中国共产党迎来90岁华诞。  回顾过往90年历程,党与人民鱼水相依的根本保障是,前者始终居安思危,审时度势,敏锐把握时代主题,坚持代表人民利益。其中仅自1978年以来,党的中心工作契合民心,及时转入现代化建设,一穷二白的中国经济持续保持快速发展。  截至2010年末,曾经积贫积弱的中国大陆经济总量已经上升为世界第二,曾经温饱不足的中国大陆人民生活总