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苏联《新时代》杂志1990年第38期发表政治观察家列夫·别济缅斯基的文章《历史终将惩罚谁?》,提到了“谁割裂了德国”的问题。作者认为,最新的档案资料表明,割裂德国的想法最早出现在西方政治家的计划中。做为证据,作者引用了一段鲜为人知的,捷克流亡政府首脑贝奈斯1943年4月4日同丘吉尔的谈话记录。当时英国首相说,必须根除普鲁士主义,摧毁德军总参谋部,不让德国剩下一架飞机、一艘战舰。他希望德国被割裂,并使之变成邦联。 In the article entitled “Who Will History End Punishment?”, The article entitled “Who Who Ruptured Germany?” Published in the 38th issue of the Soviet Union in New Times magazine No. 38 in 1990 by political observer Lev Bezilensky. The author believes that the latest archival evidence shows that the idea of ​​splitting Germany first appeared in Western politicians’ plans. As evidence, the author quotes a little-known record of the conversations Beyonis, head of the Czech government in exile, with Churchill on April 4, 1943. At that time, the British Prime Minister said that it was imperative to eradicate Prussianism and destroy the German General Staff and not allow Germany to leave behind an aircraft and a battleship. He hoped that Germany would be divided and transformed into a confederation.
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