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冶金部轧钢情报网,全国首届热镀锌钢管专业会议于一九八四年九月五日至十日在福州钢管厂举行,与会代表有生产、科研、设计、出版等三十七个单位,共五十九人,福建省冶金总公司,福州市科委,福州市冶金局的领导同志亲临会议指导。 会议就钢管热镀锌工艺、设备、加热方式、三废处理以及现行国家标准等方面进行了热烈、认真的讨论,交流资料及论文共收到二十二篇,大会交流了十二篇。 Metallurgical Department of rolling Information Network, the first national hot-dip galvanized steel pipe professional conference in September 5 to 10 in 1984 in Fuzhou Steel Plant, the participants have production, research, design, publishing, and other 37 units, A total of 59 people, Fujian Metallurgical Corporation, Fuzhou Science and Technology Commission, Fuzhou Metallurgical Bureau leaders comrades in person. The meeting conducted a warm and serious discussion on the hot dip galvanizing process of steel pipe, equipment, heating methods, waste treatment and the existing national standards. The exchange of information and papers received a total of 22 articles, the meeting exchanged 12 articles.
After our paper~2 on the Topaz from Mongolia,Shensi and KiangsuI took profit of a travelling in Shansi,in the early summer 1932,to visit thelocalities myself.T
为延长活塞的使用寿命,国外多采用锒钢圈的铝活塞。为适应新产品开展的需要,向用户提供高质量的汽车及为打进国际市场奠定基础,二汽工艺研究所 In order to prolong the ser
In an e-mail interview,the pundit of China Central Television’s On the Spot Olympics coverage,Susan Brownell,gave Beijing Review her impressions of the Olympic
Hsi Hu, the Western Lake of Hanchow, has been famous as summer resort and playing ground since the Tang and Sung Dynasties. During the time of Han, however, it
由机械工业部哈尔滨焊接研究所负责起草的《软钎料及硬钎料符号规定》、《电焊条熔敷金属扩散氢测定方法》两项标准审定会,于1983年6月29~7月2日在安徽省屯溪召开。 By the