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吴善璋简介 吴善璋 男,1948年8月生,汉族,江苏苏州人,大专文化。现为中国书法家协会理事、宁夏书法家协会主席、国家一级美术师、中国书法家协会培训中心教授、中国书法家协会评审委员会副主任、银川书画院副院长。 吴善璋酷爱书法艺术,几十年来勤耕不辍潜心钻研,从楷书入手推及篆隶行草诸体。对历代书法大家王羲之、颜真卿、 Wu Shanzhang Brief introduction Wu Shanzhang male, born in August 1948, Han nationality, Suzhou, Jiangsu, college culture. He is currently the director of China Calligraphers Association, the chairman of Ningxia Calligraphers Association, the artist at the national level, the professor of China Calligraphers Association Training Center, the vice director of the appraisal committee of China Calligraphers Association, and the vice dean of Yinchuan calligraphy and painting academy. Wushan Zhang love calligraphy art, decades of hard-working painstaking research, start from regular script and Zhuanli line of grass all. Everybody calligraphy Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing,
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Even the collector himself at first didn’t know the paintings he hid in his studio called the Rainy Night would become so valuable decades later. Mr. Yi Ma, a
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“石头娃现代山水画展”,于2001年10月28 日在陕西历史博物馆(东展厅)隆重举行。展览上,85岁高龄的李清芳女士亲自为儿子画展剪彩,并作简短发言。 艺术策划由西安美术学院教授王宁宇先生主持
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