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  By Chen Yi陈艺
  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,
  The topic of my speech is Milkman v.s. Mailman.
  With the development of society, change has 1)penetrated (into) every aspect(s) of our daily life. To illustrate that, I’d like to make a comparison of the milkman and mailman, whose differences indicate our changing way of living with the times.
  Home milk delivery has almost gone 2)extinct in China now, also gone with it are the milkmen, who once delivered bottled fresh milk door-to-door. On the other hand, [the] mailman’s business or the 3)courier service has 4)thrived as online shopping gains popularity. Yet, 5)in retrospect, I realize something has been lost in this 6)transition, something Shakespeare would call (as) “7)the milk of human kindness” .
  Like when I was a kid, milk wasn’t for sale everywhere. For the families who need it, they depended on the milkmen to take it from the local dairy farms to their houses. In our neighborhood, there was also such a milkman, whose arrival was much[greatly] anticipated by the children and always brought us laughter and joy. How did he do that? He knew the name of every kid and could easily see through all tricks. If we didn’t behave, he would side with our parents and threaten to rob us of the nutritious drink. And it worked every time. The entire neighborhood was acquainted with him; saw him as a member of the community, just like the many residents or street 8)vendors. Actually, there was a bond between all of us for what’s being transacted, with not only the commodities, but also a sense of caring and 9)dependability. And that small box fixed onto our door, other than being the drop-off point for milk, (it) served as a kind of communication 10)junction between the people as we took the initiative to reach out to others.
  Fast forward to today, milk is 11)ubiquitous with no dedicated delivery system. However, the convenience level of our life[lives] has gone up a 12)notch. Almost everything is for sale online, which spares us all the travelling and talking. With a few ready clicks, the shopping is done. The rest is left for those speed delivery[courier] companies. Usually there will be a 13)grumpy mailman, who reaches us through cell phone, urging everyone to pick up their 14)parcels as soon as possible. And the minute the receipt is signed, we dash back to unpack, while the courier rushes to his next destination. There is barely a conversation carried out, nor do we feel the need to talk to such a stranger, who changes (from time to time) frequently. It seems that people are always in a hurry now, though we do have more convenience. Still, we run short of time to stand and stare, to speak and share.
  Call me an old-timer, but I think the personal touch represented by the milkman is what’s been missing in the modern society. William Wordsworth once wrote that “Getting and spending, we 15)lay waste our power.” Modern technology may have multiplied our possessions or gave[given] us more convenience, but we run the risk of reducing our values if we lay waste our power of interpersonal relationships. Thank you.


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