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  It has been more than three years since the beginning of the Wall Street financial crisis, yet we continue to hear about new evidence of 2)glaring errors and widespread 3)misdoings. Even the smartest minds in finance are left scratching their heads: how did we not catch any of this sooner?
  When I hear this 4)refrain, I am reminded of 5)Boris Goldovsky. Goldovsky, who died in 2001, was a legend in opera circles, best remembered for his commentary during the Saturday 6)matinee radio broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera. But he was also a piano teacher. And it is as a teacher that he made a lasting—7)albeit unintentional—contribution to our understanding of why seemingly obvious errors go undetected for so long.
  One day, a student of his was practicing a piece by 8)Brahms when Goldovsky heard something wrong. He stopped her and told her to fix her mistake. The student looked confused; she said she had played the notes as they were written. Goldovsky looked at the music and, to his surprise, the girl had indeed played the printed notes correctly—but there was an apparent 9)misprint in the music.
  At first, the student and the teacher thought this misprint was confined to their edition of the 10)sheet music alone. But further checking revealed that all other editions contained the same incorrect note. Why, wondered Goldovsky, had no one—the composer, the publisher, the 11)proofreader, scores of accomplished pianists—noticed the error? How could so many experts have missed something that was so obvious to a 12)novice?
  This 13)paradox intrigued Goldovsky. So over the years he gave the piece to a number of musicians who were skilled sight readers of music—which is to say they had the ability to play from a printed 14)score for the first time without practicing. He told them there was a misprint somewhere in the score, and asked them to find it. He allowed them to play the piece as many times as they liked and in any way that they liked. But not one musician ever found the error. Only when Goldovsky told his subjects which 15)bar, or 16)measure, the mistake was in did most of them spot it.
  Goldovsky’s experiment yielded a key insight into human error: not only had the experts misread the music—they had misread it in the same way. In a subsequent study, Goldovsky’s nephew, Thomas Wolf, discovered that good sight readers report that they do not read music note by note; instead, they rely on their recognition of familiar patterns and on their ability to organize the music into those patterns and dependable 17)cues.
  In short, they don’t read; they infer. Moreover, this trait is not unique to musicians: pattern recognition is a 18)hallmark of expertise in 19)any number of fields; it is what allows experts to do quickly what amateurs do slowly.
  Goldovsky’s insight offers a useful metaphor for understanding the crisis on Wall Street: Not only did 20)hedge fund managers, bankers and others misread the danger involved in many of their investments, but they misread them in the same way. As Paul E. Kanjorski, a former congressman who served on 21)the House Financial Services Committee, put it, “Why does it appear to the general public that all the finest minds in finance missed the most obvious?” It appears that way because they did miss it. These types of errors are most likely to be discovered by those who, like Goldovsky’s young student, look at the world with new, 22)unblinking eyes.
  In 2009, for instance, a first grader in Virginia noticed that a popular library book 23)depicted a meat-eating dinosaur as an 24)herbivore. A year before that, a fifth grader from Michigan discovered an error at a 25)Smithsonian exhibit that had gone undetected for 27 years. And in 2007, another error was caught, this time by a 13-year-old boy in Finland. The mistake involved an image of a submarine that a Russian TV company had used to illustrate a report about a Russian submarine voyage to the Arctic. The image, distributed by 26)Reuters, was used by news 27)outlets around the world. No one noticed anything 28)awry. But the boy, Waltteri Seretin, did. The 29)sub, he thought, looked suspiciously familiar. His suspicions were right: it was a 30)film clip taken from the movie Titanic.
  Unlike the Titanic, the stock market appears to have 31)righted itself—even as many investors remain underwater. It may be too much to suggest that we let adolescents run Wall Street (assuming, of course, that this isn’t already the case). But that wouldn’t hurt to let them check the math.
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