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以胡锦涛为总书记党中央提出的“依法治国、执法为民、公平正义、服务大局、党的领导”为主要内容的社会主义法治理念,是社会主义法治建设中全面落实科学发展观的最新理论概括,标志着我们党对建设中国特色社会主义法治国家的规律有了更加深刻的认识和把握,为我国建设社会主义法治国家进一步指明了方向。我们在推进依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的进程中,必须牢固树立和贯彻这一法治理念,使社会主义法治建设实践始终沿着正确的方向前进。 The socialist concept of the rule of law with Hu Jintao as the party secretary general put forward the principle of “governing the country according to law, law enforcement for the people, fairness and justice, serving the overall interests and leadership of the party” as the main content is the concept of the comprehensive implementation of the scientific concept of development in the construction of the socialist legal system The latest theoretical summary marks that our party has a more profound understanding and grasp of the laws governing the construction of a socialist country with the rule of law featuring Chinese characteristics and has further specified the direction for building a socialist country under the rule of law in our country. In the process of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country governed by the rule of law, we must firmly establish and implement this concept of the rule of law so that the practice of building a socialist legal system will always move in the right direction.
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