内强素质 外塑形象 推动供水事业健康稳步发展

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北京市顺义区自来水公司是区属国有企业。拥有9座水厂,6个水源地,供水面积74 km~2,日供水能力18万t,服务人口45万人。2013年公司坚持以优质服务为宗旨,以创建一流供水企业为目标,内强素质,外塑形象,抓管理、保供水、重服务、促民生,不断推动供水事业健康、稳步发展。1内强素质,推动供水事业健康、稳步发展水源地建设(1)完成第三水源地出线电路工程。工程包括配电室内5组高压配电柜,16座箱式变压器,8 km电缆。(2)为缓解水源紧张的形势,2013年更新13眼水源井。水厂建设(1)在高丽营水厂装配2台160 kM的机泵及配套设施,在杨镇水厂装配两台110 kW的机泵及配套设施.为安全供水提供了保障。(2)第六水厂完成对新机房1、2号电机、水泵、液压蝶阀的安装调试工作。(3)配合供电局完成第六水厂供电增容工作。由原来80 kVA增容至400 kVA,提高了电源设备的保障能力。 Shunyi District, Beijing Water Company is a state-owned enterprises. It owns nine water plants and six water sources with a water supply area of ​​74 km ~ 2 and a daily water supply capacity of 180,000 t and a service population of 450,000. In 2013, the company insisted on taking the quality service as its purpose, aiming at creating the first-class water supply enterprise, strengthening the image of quality, plasticity, grasping management, ensuring water supply, re-providing service and promoting people’s livelihood, and constantly promoting the healthy and steady development of water supply. 1 strong quality, to promote healthy water supply, steady development of water sources (1) to complete the third water outlet circuit project. The project includes 5 high voltage distribution cabinets in distribution room, 16 box transformers and 8 km cable. (2) In order to ease the shortage of water sources, 13 water source wells were updated in 2013. Water Plant Construction (1) Two 160 kM pumps and ancillary facilities were installed at the Koryo Water Works and two 110 kW pumps and ancillary facilities were installed at the Yangzhen Water Works, providing safeguards for safe water supply. (2) The Sixth Water Works completed the installation and commissioning of motors, pumps and hydraulic butterfly valves for the new engine room No. 1,2. (3) Cooperate with the power supply bureau to complete the sixth water plant power supply compatibilization. From the original 80 kVA capacity to 400 kVA, improve the protection of power equipment.