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  Connectivity for cooperation and diversified development
  ——Outbound Exhibitions Forum 2019 was held in Beijing
  According to statistics, in 2018, , the scale of China’s outbound exhibition industry continued to climb. It reached a new high in the number of exhibition projects, the number of exhibitors and the exhibition area, but deeper demand for exhibition services was also increasing. At the same time, Sino-US trade frictions have intensified, and intellectual property issues still need to be constantly concerned... How to deal with the pain points and difficulties in the outbound exhibition industry? On 4 July, Outbound Exhibitions Forum was held in Beijing, Chinese and international organizers and agents for overseas exhibitions at home and abroad gathered together to discuss the hot topics.

  华沙PTAK博览中心董事长Tomasz Szypula带来了“ ‘一帶一路’背景下的波兰会展市场”演讲。他表示,在“一带一路”背景下,波兰作为深受中国企业青睐的东欧会展目的地,对中国参展企业意味着更多商机。华沙博览中心展览面积超过12万平方米,每年举办家居展、建材展、动漫展、宠物展等展会。在未来一年,会展中心预计将举办44场活动。场馆的每一个展会都获得了政府的大力支持,诚挚邀请中国企业抓住商务良机参与进来。

  莫斯科索科利尼基会展中心副总裁哈刘晋?阿列克谢发表“会展活动架起中俄经贸合作桥梁”演讲。俄罗斯展览市场营业额今年约为10亿美元。这是一个十分乐观的指标。每年,俄罗斯举办约950次B2B展览,总面积为200万平方米。来自约100个国家的10万多家机构参加这些展览,展览访客人数约750万-800万人。经贸会展成为中俄两国经济合作的有力支点。他诚挚邀请中国会展人士参加“展览搭台开创中国出口新机遇中俄论坛” 。该会议针对中国展览行业领先运营商,且有俄罗斯国家机构及民营企业参加,旨在俄罗斯展览市场为中国公司拓展业务范围,提高策展质量并创造最佳条件增加进出口机会。   对话环节

  第一场对话由资深出展人张雅竹主持。北方国际展览有限公司副总经理李梓民,福建世创商务展览有限公司董事长黄吉光,广州外展信息科技有限公司总经理、广东进出口商会副会长侯洪冰,哥伦比亚ANDINA FAIRS公司出展负责人余敏琦就自办展目的地与合作伙伴选择策略、如何满足展商商业诉求、自办展风险防控等办展过程中的重要议题进行了深入探讨。
  哥伦比亚ANDINA FAIRS公司出展负责人余敏琦则分享道:举办海外自办展,首先要持之以恒,不能只看短期利润,一个自办展的成功,可能不是只需要一两年,而是十年、二十年的积累。不能因为短期困难放弃这一个自办展,也不能考虑到这个项目今年的利润不佳,就放弃这个项目,只要看好一个行业,看好一个市场,就必须持之以恒。其次要充分考虑当地的产业链和整体环境。三是要注意文化差异,要有归零心态,不要依靠在国内的经验,而是在营销、运营等方面进行本土化。

  该场对话由全国卫生产业企业管理协会会展活动管理部部长蒋晓刚主持。中国会展经济研究会副会长、北京辉煌魅力国际商务会展有限公司总经理段婧,法国国际专业展促进会中国代表团首席代表娄述渝,誉颁会展集团有限公司执行董事、总经理李波,印度10Times会展网站东亚地区销售与战略负责人Pretyush Sharma展开颇具国际视野的对话。对话仅仅围绕这几个方面:中美贸易战对出展业务是否有影响?如何理解中美贸易战的影响?在类似的贸易摩擦中,出展企业如何降低风险?组展单位如何防控经贸风险对出展业的影响?
  印度10Times会展网站东亚地区销售与战略负责人Pretyush Sharma陈述道:“在参加海外展会的过程中,突破语言障碍是深入当地市场的关键之一。另外,我们观察发现,一些好的展会项目,因故停办一段时间后重办,人们还是踊跃参加,这说明,只要主办方的展会品质过硬、服务质量过硬,展商和买家就会对其保持忠诚。”

  Connectivity for cooperation and diversified development
  ——Outbound Exhibitions Forum was held in Beijing
  In 2018, the scale of China’s outbound exhibition industry continued to climb. It reached a new high in the number of exhibition projects, the number of exhibitors and the exhibition space, but deeper demand for exhibition services has been increasing. At the same time, Sino-US trade frictions have intensified, and intellectual property issues still need to be focused... How to deal with the pain points and difficulties in the outbound exhibition industry? On 4th July, the 2019 Outbound Exhibitions Forum was held in Beijing, Chinese and international organizers and agents at home and abroad gathered together to discuss the hot topics of the industry. The meeting invited Ji Hongyan, Deputy Secretary General of “China Convention and Exhibition Society as the moderator. The Forum was a part of the 9th Expo Project Fair for International Cooperation (EPFIC 2019).   Authoritative report release
  Chen Meng, Editor-in-Chief of China International Conference and Exhibition Magazine, Organizing Committee of the Forum, released the report "2018 China Outbound Exhibition Industry Survey Report". According to the report, “the long history brand exhibitions in the traditional markets of Europe and the United States” are still the most important indicators for enterprises to choose overseas exhibitions. The attractiveness of exhibitions in mature markets is still huge. At the same time, the survey shows that the percentage of exhibitions of the“One Belt, One Road” countries and regions had an absolute advantage. Among the projects surveyed, 72% of the projects were along the “Belt and Road”, especially in Asia. It can be seen that emerging markets such as the Belt and Road countries are still favored by Chinese exhibitors, and their business opportunities are to be further explored.
  Among the surveyed companies, 58% are only engaged in exhibition agency business, 27% are also engaged in overseas construction business, 23% in international exhibition logistics business, and 21% ininternational air ticket business, 30% other businesses. In addition, 43% of companies forecast a business growth in 2019, 23% of the companies expect it to be flat, and 34% expect to be shrinking.
  Exhibitors behave more professionally. The surveyed agents said that 43% of the exhibitors today will make appointments with buyers through the official website of the exhibition, and 14% of the companies will participate in the business matchmaking meeting at the exhibition site. 43% companies would ask agents to recommend foreign buyers information to them.
  Theme speeches
  Tomasz Szypula, Chairman of the PTAK Warsaw Expo, gave a speech entiled “Polish Convention and Exhibition Market in the ‘Belt and Road’ context“. He said that in the context of the “Belt and Road”, Poland, as a destination in the Eastern European conventions and exhibitions, which is favored by Chinese companies, means more business opportunities for Chinese exhibitors. The PTAK Warsaw Expo has an exhibition area of more than 120,000 square meters and holds exhibitions such as home exhibitions, building materials exhibitions, animation exhibitions and pet exhibitions every year.“In the coming year, we expect to host 44 events in our venues, and our events have received strong support from the government. We sincerely invite Chinese companies to seize business opportunities and participate.” He said.   Tan Jian, Director General, IP Service Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade & Director General, Legal Service Department, China Chamber of International Commerce, shared on the theme “Policies and Practices of Intellectual Property Work in Overseas Exhibitions”. He said that in the 40 years of reform and opening up, Chinese companies have become more and more powerful in the international market in terms of price competitiveness and quality improvement in overseas markets, and face higher-level rules and competition in the legal sector. Therefore, at overseas exhibitions, the intellectual property disputes we encountered have become more and more fierce. Exhibitors are the mainstay of the IPR disputes in overseas exhibitions. Exhibitors can establish their own internal intellectual property management system to prevent intellectual property risks and they are recommended to cooperate with the CCPIT and its representative institutions and other authorized and entrusted organizations in accordance with the principle of “who organizes the Chinese group then he shall be responsible” to do a good job in training the exhibitors.

  Khariutkin Aleksei, Vice President of Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center in Moscow, delivered a speech entitled " Exhibition Activities Build a Bridge of Sino-Russian Economic and Trade Cooperation". He pointed out that the turnover of the Russian exhibition market is about $1 billion this year. This is a very good indicator, the Russian exhibition market turnover is ranked seventh in the world. Each year, Russia holds about 950 B2B exhibitions with a total area of 2 million square meters. More than 100,000 organizations from about 100 countries participate in these exhibitions. The number of visitors to the exhibition is about 7.5-8 million. Economic and trade exhibitions have become a powerful fulcrum for economic cooperation between China and Russia. He sincerely invites Chinese exhibition professionals to participate in an upcoming Russian-Chinese Exhibition Congress. The conference is open for leading operators in the Chinese exhibition industry, and will also be attended by Russian state-owned agencies and private companies. The aim is to expand the scope of business for Chinese companies in the Russian exhibition market, improve exhibitions quality, and create optimal conditions to increase import and export opportunities.   Dialogues
  Dialogue 1: Enhance the quality and commercial value of overseas self-organized exhibitions
  The first dialogue was moderated by senior outbound exhibition agent Zhang Yazhu. Four panelists gave in-depth discussions on the important issues in organizing outbound Chinese exhibitions, such as destinations and partner selection strategies, how to satisfy exhibitors’ business demands, and self-organized exhibition risk prevention and control.
  Li Zimin, Deputy General Manager of Northern International Exhibition Co., Ltd., said: “We are a professional exhibition subsidiary of North Industries Co., Ltd., and we are mainly engaged in being agents for overseas exhibitions such as defense exhibition and international emergency rescue technology equipment exhibitions, and organizing domestic exhibition business. We hope to strengthen and expand the exhibitions in the fields of military-civilian integration and emergency industry, and publicize some traditional and advantageous products in our system through exhibitions.”
  Huang Jiguang, Chairman of Fujian Strong Commerce & Exhibition Co., Ltd.: “In the process of organizing the exhibition, it is necessary to cooperate with foreign venues of strength and reputation. However, this needs to be judged based on sufficient experiences and in-depth investigation. At the same time, the most important thing for selforganized exhibitions is to have good effect. Sustainable growth of the exhibition is the best risk prevention and control. It is also necessary to work hard on the buyer. The life of all exhibitions lies in high- quality trade buyers. At least the basic database of the buyer must be built upby the organizers before launching the exhibition.”

  Hou Hongbing, General Manager of Guangzhou Foreign Exhibition Technology Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of Guangdong Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, said, “China’s private enterprises now already accounts for about 60% of total companies. I believe that in China’s exhibition circle, the market share of private enterprises will also grow larger. We plan to hold a self-organized exhibition in Uganda. The theme of the self-organized exhibition should be closely integrated with the local industrial characteristics, and organizers must also consider the thinking mode and industry choice of the younger generation. In this way, we can have better prospects and more confidence in the self-organized exhibition projects.”   Dennis Yu, Project Executive, ANDINA FAIRS Columbia, shared,“The chief success secret to hold an overseas exhibition is to persevere, not just to look at short-term profits. The success of a self-organized exhibition may not only take one or two years, but ten years or twenty years of accumulation. You can’t stop organizing a self-organized exhibition because of short-term difficulties. Second, we must fully consider the local industrial chain and the overall environment. The third is to pay close attention to cultural differences, to have a humble mentality, not to rely on domestic experience, but to localize in marketing and exhibition operations.”

  Dialogue 2: China’s exhibition industry development trends in the context of Sino-US trade war
  The dialogue was moderated by Jiang Xiaogang, Minister of the Convention and Exhibition of the National Association for the Management of the Health Industry. The quite international panel had a dialogue revolving around the following aspects: Does the SinoUS trade war have an impact on your outbound exhibition business? How do you understand the impact of the Sino-US trade war? In a similar trade friction, how do exhibiting companies reduce risk? How does the exhibition unit prevent and control the impact of economic and trade risks on the exhibition industry?
  Duan Jing, Vice President of China Convention and Exhibition Society & General Manager of Beijing Glory Glamour International Commerce and Exhibition Co., Ltd, observed: “The trade volume between China and the United States is almost as much as half of the total trade volume between China and Asia. The current cooperation between China and the United States in various fields has also been strengthened. We cannot withdraw from the US market. The political and economic relations between countries will continue to change. Some forward-looking and development-oriented exhibition projects can be strategically planned in advance, rather than focusing on the risks and frictions of the moment..”
  Shuyu Lou, hief Representative of Promosalons China, said: “First, in China, the Chinese exhibition industry itself has to enter the stage of upgrading and development, and the image, exhibition service and quality of exhibits must reach a new level. In the exhibition industry, I think we must first make good neighbors with surrounding countries such as Japan and South Korea, and then also strengthen the development in the European and American markets. In addition, we can also bring Chinese buyers overseas through the exhibition platform!”   Li Bo, Executive Director and General Manager of Honor Exhibition Group Co., Ltd., said: When developing overseas exhibitions, we attach great importance to the development of high-quality projects with potential. Some exhibition companies are not very famous.,but they also have many excellent exhibition projects, which are worth exploring and developing. In addition, in the choice of destination, exhibitors know much better than us of where the market is, and we can find out where the market is when we keep up with customer needs.”
  In the process of participating in overseas exhibitions, Pretyush Sharma, head of sales and strategy for East Asia of Ten Times Online Private Limited
  from India, commented: “One of the keys to open the local market is to break the language barrier. In addition, we have also observed that for some good exhibition projects which have been reopened after a period of time, people are still actively participating in. This shows that as long as the quality of the exhibitions is excellent and the quality of the exhibition services areexcellent, exhibitors and buyers will stay loyal.”
  After the meeting, the participants also had a lively exchange, and said that this exhibition forum again presented hot topics and cooperation opportunities in the industry..
勵展收购印度BIG7  励展博览集团宣布已经收购了1993年创立的孟买年度展览会BIG7。展会主要针对礼品、文具、书写工具、办公用品、小工具、家庭用品、厨具和家居装饰行业。励展印度公司首席执行官Gregory Zaraisky说:“我们认识展会原主办方负责人Jivesh Sachdev和他的旗舰活动India BIG7两年多了,我们对他的团队不断创新的努力印象非常深刻。”下一届印度BIG7将于8月
Like other industries, the exhibition industry now pays more and more attention to the application and development of technology. Internet thinking is the mega trend, and various exhibition related te
Focus on emerging markets and diversify business moderately  ——The 29th Overseas Exhibitions Seminar was successfully held in Beijing On February 15, the 29th China International Conference and Exhibi
Using technology in exhibits has many advocates but also gives rise to Chicken Little-ish naysayers who prophesy the disappearance of the personal interaction. Anne Trompeter, Principal, Live Marketin
埃森展覽公司与俄罗斯合作伙伴联手  3月,埃森展览公司将与俄罗斯最重要的焊接技术展览会Weldex紧密合作,从而加强其全球参展公平承诺。 在这次合作的框架内,埃森展览公司的团队负责在德国、奥地利和瑞士等地推广Weldex,并组织由联邦经济事务部推动的“德国馆”。“这种合作对国际焊接行业产生了真正的协同效应。” 埃森展览公司首席执行官Oliver P. Kuhrt说。  2018年,每年在莫斯科索科
2018年励展博览集团利润增长  励展博览集团母公司励讯集团的财务报告显示,励展博览集团2018年的收入为12.19亿英镑,营业利润为+3%,为3.13亿英镑。 展览会占总公司收入的16%和调整后营业利润的13%。 2018年,励展博览集团18%的收入来自北美,44%来自欧洲,其余38%来自世界其他地区。2018年励展一共举办了500多场活动,推出了44项新活动。 励展博览集团70%以上的收入来自
The Dubai World Trade Centre has played a pivotal role in the growth of international trade for the Middle East, ever since its inauguration in 1979.  The Center hosts more than 100 world-class shows
纽伦堡展览中心是初创企业的首选平台。展览中心设有一个颇为优质的被一些政府机构赞助的展馆,供初创企业在展会期间在这里展示自己。  自2007年以来,已有1000多家“年轻而有创新性的公司”参加了由德国联邦经济事务和能源部(BMWi)组织的、在纽伦堡展览中心举办的同名贸易博览会BMWi。正如纽伦堡展览公司指出的那样,2019年,BMWi一共在德国63个展会上设立“赞助馆”,其中有12個是纽伦堡展览公司
2月15日,第29届中外会展品牌俱乐部沙龙——出展世界沙龙在北京新展国际文化传媒有限公司成功举行。活动由北京新展国际文化传媒有限公司主办,北京海天商旅国际旅行社有限公司协办。  根据业内最新统计,2018年,全球经济增长放缓,贸易保护主义抬头,但中国经济形势整体仍保持稳健,呈现出质量提升、结构优化的积极趋势。在此背景下,中国出国举办展(博)览会总体增速相对2017年有所回升,总体保持稳定增长,参展
From November 5-10, following the political effect of BRICS Xiamen Summit 2017, sponsored by Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Convention and Exhibition Affairs, and jointly held by Hong Kong Trade Developme