
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my_sunday_tongxing
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陕北丘陵沟壑区,山高沟深,地形陡峻,农耕地绝大部分分布在陡坡上。由于坡度陡、土质松,加上暴雨集中,水土流失严重,粮食产量低而不稳,造成了广种薄收、滥垦陡坡、生态系统平衡失调等不良后果.多年来的实践证明,坡地修成梯田是改变地形、保持水土的一项重要措施,但是在地广人稀的山区里,大量兴修水平梯田,又存在着农、林、牧之间的矛盾和受劳力、地形、经费的限制等困难.为了加快治理速度,寻求新的治理措施,在坡地多、劳力少、经费不富裕的社队,修筑过渡性的梯田(即隔坡梯田),可以补充产粮的不足,加快治理步伐,加速退耕陡坡还林、还牧,促进农、林、牧、副业综合发展。 Hilly and gully areas in northern Shaanxi, Gaogougou deep steep terrain, the vast majority of agricultural land in the steep slopes. Due to the steep slope, the soil looseness, the concentrated rainstorm, the severe water and soil loss, the low and unsmooth grain yield, it has caused a variety of adverse consequences such as steep thinning, steep slope cultivation and ecosystem imbalance, etc. Years of practice have proved that the terraced fields are changed Terrain and soil and water conservation. However, in the vast and sparsely populated mountainous areas, there is a great deal of difficulty in rebuilding horizontal terraces, conflicts between agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry as well as labor, topography and financial constraints. The speed of governance and the search for new governance measures will help make up for the transitional terraces (that is, terraced terraced fields) in communities where the number of slopes is small, labor is low, and the funds are not well-to-do. This can supplement the deficiencies in grain rationing, accelerate the pace of governance and speed up the process of returning farmland to steep slopes Forestry, pastoralism, and promote the comprehensive development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and sideline industries.
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问题的提出 泥炭和磷矿粉混合经堆沤后制得的肥料叫腐殖酸磷,若加入适量碳铵叫腐铵磷,如再加入草木灰叫腐铵钾磷,这类肥料通称为腐殖酸磷肥。国内许多县、社队腐磷肥厂已生
一、问题的提出  《小学语文新课程标准》明确指出:“培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题、多读书、好读书、读整本的书。”从小学生的特点来看,他们年龄小,活泼好动,自我管理和约束的能力比较差,同时由于他们缺少生活经验,单纯幼稚,所以他们的阅读量不大,主动阅读的积极性也不高,课外阅读状况不容乐观。  二、问题产生的原因  现状之一:教师方面——学生不会读。目前,存在着部分教师受应