解放思想 开拓前进 进一步开创行政审判工作新局面——纪念行政诉讼法实施两周年

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《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》实施已经两周年了。全国各级人民法院认真贯彻执行行政诉讼法,努力开展行政审判工作,初步打开了局面,积累了一些经验,取得了较好的成绩。 目前,各级人民法院基本建立了行政审判机构,全国3000多个人民法院,绝大多数建立了行政审判庭,配备了1万多名行政审判干部,并严格依照法律规定审理了一批行政案件。从行政诉讼法实施到今年3月份的一年半时间里,全国各级人民法院共受理一审行政案件36791件,二审行政案件10083件,相当于行政诉讼法实施前8年受理行政案件的总和。各级人民法院还根据法律、法规的规定,受理行政机关申请强制执行的行政案件53632件。 The People’s Republic of China Administrative Procedure Law has been implemented for the second anniversary. The people’s courts at all levels conscientiously implemented the Administrative Procedure Law and worked hard to carry out administrative adjudication work. They have initially opened the door to the situation, accumulated some experience and achieved good results. At present, the people’s courts at all levels have basically established administrative trial bodies. Over 3,000 people’s courts in the country have set up administrative tribunals and over 10,000 administrative trial officers have been established. A large number of administrative cases have been adjudged in strict compliance with the law . From the implementation of the Administrative Procedure Law to March of this year, 36,791 first instance administrative cases and 10,083 second instance administrative cases have been accepted by people’s courts at all levels, equivalent to the sum of administrative cases accepted in the eight years before the implementation of Administrative Procedure Law. People’s courts at all levels also accept 53,632 administrative cases that the administrative organ applies for compulsory execution in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
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