橡胶树割面黑纹病,由于为害严重,已成为橡胶树最可怕的一种寄生性病害。在东南亚植胶地区,这种病害有“黑线病”(black thread),“黑纹病”(black stri-pe),“条溃疡”(stripe canker),“黑线溃疡”(black line canker),“皮腐病”(barkrot),“再生皮腐烂病”(decay of the renewingbark)和“形成层腐烂病”(cambium rot)等名称,但荷兰植胶者亦称之为“条溃疡”(streep jeskanker)。作者认为,最好是采用“黑纹病”或“黑线病”,因为它表明了最典型的病征。1909年锡兰首先发现此病,其后几年在爪哇和苏门答腊发现,1916年在马来亚发现。1919年在印度支那西贡科学院工作的真菌学家万桑(F.Vincens)也发现了与东南亚其他植胶地区割面病害相似的一种病害。
Rubber tree cut black face disease, due to serious damage, rubber tree has become the most terrible a parasitic disease. In the sown areas of Southeast Asia, the diseases are “black thread”, “black stri-pe”, “stripe canker”, “black line canker” Barkrot, decay of the renewing bark and cambium rot, but the Dutch weaver is also known as “ulcer” (streep jeskanker). The authors believe that it is best to use “black line disease” or “black line disease” because it shows the most typical symptoms. The disease was first found in Ceylon in 1909, later years in Java and Sumatra, and in Malaya in 1916. F. Vincens, a fungus scientist who worked at the Sai Kung Academy of Sciences in Indochina in 1919, also found a disease similar to the cut disease in other plasticized areas in Southeast Asia.