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为进一步做好供销合作社参与和推动农业产业化经营工作,中华全国供销合作总社决定成立“中华全国供销合作总社农业产业化工作领导小组”(以下简称“领导小组”),并以供销厅科字[2000]37号文下发了《关于成立中华全国供销合作总社农业产业化工作领导小组的通知》。《通知》明确规定,领导小组负责指导、规划和协调全系统参与和推动农业产业化经营工作,下设办公室和专家顾问组。办公室设在总社科技教育与工业部,负责日常工作;专家顾问组为高级政策咨询机构,由国家有关部门的负责同志及有关专家、学者组成。 本刊刊载领导小组成员名单,今后,全国供销社系统有关农业产业化工作,请与领导小组办公室联系。 In order to further facilitate the participation of supply and marketing cooperatives in promoting the industrialization of agriculture, the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives decided to establish the “Leading Group for Agricultural Industrialization of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives” (hereinafter referred to as the “Leading Group”) and to supply and sales offices. Document No. [2000] No. 37 issued the “Notice on the Establishment of the Leading Group for Agricultural Industrialization in the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives”. The “Notice” clearly stipulates that the leading group is responsible for guiding, planning, and coordinating the system-wide participation and promotion of agricultural industrialization. It has an office and an expert advisory group. The office is located in the headquarters of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Education and Industry and is responsible for the daily work. The expert advisory group is a high-level policy advisory body composed of responsible comrades of relevant state departments and relevant experts and scholars. This publication publishes a list of members of the leading group. In the future, the National Supply and Marketing Cooperative System in relation to agricultural industrialization work, please contact the Office of the Leading Group.
各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),计划单列市建委(建设局),国务院各有关部门、集团公司,总后基建营房部: 为加快全国工程勘察设计单位的体制改革,经国务院同意,国务院办公
铜川下石节煤矿位于陕西耀县境内,年产能力100万吨,在职职工2800人,资产1.03亿元,拥有现代化综采、综掘设备,被列入全国煤炭行业一百对高产高效矿井。 1980年2月建矿投产以
编辑同志: 我征求过上上下下许许多多同志的意见,大家都认为给专武干部授预备役军衔,不但应该,而且是依法行事。 《预备役军官法》规定,军官预备役分为两类:预备役部队任职
吉马包装彩印有限公司位于闽南金三角——漳州 公司下设两大部门 纸业生产开发部,负责研制开发不同规格的金银卡纸、喷铝纸,彩印工艺部,负责承接各类包装及商标印刷等业务。