Aspirin Helped Reduce Heart Attack Death Rate

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本刊曾经多次刊登文章盛赞百年老药阿斯匹林。去年第10期就载文称阿斯匹林能抗前列腺癌,今又消息文称,阿斯匹林能减少心脏病人的死亡率。百年老药.青春犹在,至今仍能让人们不断发现其新的功效!本文除了传递了有关阿斯匹林的新信息之外,以下观点,也让我们耳目一新: Even as we live and practice medicine in an era of high technology,we mustalways remember that widespread application of relatively low technology,efficacious(有效的;灵验的),and cost-effective(有成本效益的,值得花费的)therapies is often the way we help most of our patients and provide the greatestaggregate(集合的;聚合的)benefit for the broader population. 上句是否可以这样译: 即使我们生活、就医在一个高科技的时代,但是,我们仍必须一直牢记:科技含量相对较低却又广为应用的东西,其灵验而又具有成本效益的治疗常常是我们帮助大多数患者,为广大群众提供最大利益的途径。 上句的难点在于:如何理解provide the greatest aggregate benefit for thebroader population的主语。 The journal has repeatedly published articles praising the centenarian old drug aspirin. Last year’s 10th issue stated that aspirin is anti-prostate cancer, and this news article says that aspirin can reduce the mortality rate of people with heart disease. A hundred years old medicine. Youth is still in, still can let people discover its new effect constantly! In addition to delivering new information on aspirin, this article also gives us a whole new look: Even as we live and practice medicine in an era of high technology, we mustalways remember that widely applied of relatively low technology, efficacious ( Effective; sensible, and cost-effective (cost-effective, worth the cost) therapies is often the way we help most of our patients and provide the greatestaggregate (aggregate; aggregate) benefit for the broader population. Whether the sentence can be translated like this: Even if we live and seek medical care in a high-tech era, we must always keep in mind that things that are relatively low-tech but are widely used are often efficacious and cost-effective treatments. We help most patients and provide them with the greatest benefits. The difficulty of the previous sentence is: how to understand the subject of the greatest aggregate benefit for the broader population.
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