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细菌性角膜溃疡按病理组织学可分为进行期与修复期。首先,在角膜上皮缺损处一旦发生细菌感染,其周围的上皮及实质层可见到水肿与中性白细胞浸润,继而发生坏死。在溃疡的边缘部也有多数中性白细胞。浸润与溃疡向广度深度发展。由于实质层的浸润与坏死而形成脓肿,出现前房蓄脓。再进一步发展,则后弹力层膨出引起角膜穿孔。角膜穿孔如在中央部则形成角膜瘘,但在周边部则导致虹膜脱出和虹膜前粘连。如不进行适当的治疗,则发展为全眼球炎。致病菌与角膜溃疡的形态有一定关系。肺炎双球菌引起的溃疡呈匐行性;葡萄球菌引起的则趋向深部;绿脓杆菌则在角膜实质中层形成环状脓肿;摩-阿氏(Morax-Axenfeld)杆菌则很少形成前房积脓。细菌性角膜溃疡如趋向治愈,随着周边部上皮覆盖溃疡表面的同时,炎症细胞由巨噬细胞、 Bacterial corneal ulcer pathological histology can be divided into the period and repair. First of all, once a bacterial infection occurs at the corneal epithelial defect, edema and neutrophil infiltration can be seen in the surrounding epithelium and parenchyma, followed by necrosis. There are also many neutrophils in the margins of ulcers. Infiltration and ulcer to breadth and depth of development. Because of the real layer of infiltration and necrosis and the formation of abscess, suppuration of the anterior chamber appears. Further development of the corneal perforation after the elastic layer bulging. Corneal perforation, as in the central part of the formation of corneal fistula, but in the peripheral part of the iris prolapse and pre-iris adhesions. Without proper treatment, the development of whole-eye inflammation. Pathogens and corneal ulcer morphology has a certain relationship. Streptococcus pneumoniae caused by ulcer was seropositive; Staphylococcus aureus is caused by the deep; Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the cornea in the middle of the formation of circular abscess; Morax-Axenfeld (Morax-Axenfeld) bacteria are rarely formed hypopyon . Bacterial corneal ulcer as the trend of cure, with the peripheral part of the epithelium covering the surface of the ulcer at the same time, inflammatory cells from macrophages,
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有机化合物种类繁多 ,与人类社会、生活、特别是与生命科学有密切联系。然而它与无机化学知识有较大的不同 ,不少同学在高二第二学期化学开始学习这部分内容时感到茫然。然而